@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@ package vxlan
import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim"
- "github.com/buger/jsonparser"
log "github.com/golang/glog"
@@ -37,19 +34,52 @@ type vxlanDeviceAttrs struct {
type vxlanDevice struct {
- link *hcsshim.HNSNetwork
+ link *hcn.HostComputeNetwork
macPrefix string
directRouting bool
func newVXLANDevice(devAttrs *vxlanDeviceAttrs) (*vxlanDevice, error) {
- hnsNetwork := &hcsshim.HNSNetwork{
- Name: devAttrs.name,
- Type: "Overlay",
- Subnets: make([]hcsshim.Subnet, 0, 1),
+ subnet := createSubnet(devAttrs.addressPrefix.String(), (devAttrs.addressPrefix.IP + 1).String(), "")
+ network := &hcn.HostComputeNetwork{
+ Type: "Overlay",
+ Name: devAttrs.name,
+ Ipams: []hcn.Ipam{
+ {
+ Type: "Static",
+ Subnets: []hcn.Subnet{
+ *subnet,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Flags: hcn.EnableNonPersistent,
+ SchemaVersion: hcn.SchemaVersion{
+ Major: 2,
+ Minor: 0,
+ },
+ }
+ vsid := &hcn.VsidPolicySetting{
+ IsolationId: devAttrs.vni,
+ }
+ vsidJson, err := json.Marshal(vsid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ sp := &hcn.SubnetPolicy{
+ Type: hcn.VSID,
+ sp.Settings = vsidJson
- hnsNetwork, err := ensureNetwork(hnsNetwork, int64(devAttrs.vni), devAttrs.addressPrefix.String(), (devAttrs.addressPrefix.IP + 1).String())
+ spJson, err := json.Marshal(sp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ network.Ipams[0].Subnets[0].Policies = append(network.Ipams[0].Subnets[0].Policies, spJson)
+ hnsNetwork, err := ensureNetwork(network, devAttrs.addressPrefix.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -59,20 +89,17 @@ func newVXLANDevice(devAttrs *vxlanDeviceAttrs) (*vxlanDevice, error) {
}, nil
-func ensureNetwork(expectedNetwork *hcsshim.HNSNetwork, expectedVSID int64, expectedAddressPrefix, expectedGW string) (*hcsshim.HNSNetwork, error) {
+func ensureNetwork(expectedNetwork *hcn.HostComputeNetwork, expectedAddressPrefix string) (*hcn.HostComputeNetwork, error) {
createNetwork := true
networkName := expectedNetwork.Name
- // 1. Check if the HNSNetwork exists and has the expected settings
- existingNetwork, err := hcsshim.GetHNSNetworkByName(networkName)
+ // 1. Check if the HostComputeNetwork exists and has the expected settings
+ existingNetwork, err := hcn.GetNetworkByName(networkName)
if err == nil {
if existingNetwork.Type == expectedNetwork.Type {
- for _, existingSubnet := range existingNetwork.Subnets {
- if existingSubnet.AddressPrefix == expectedAddressPrefix && existingSubnet.GatewayAddress == expectedGW {
- createNetwork = false
- log.Infof("Found existing HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
- break
- }
+ if existingNetwork.Ipams[0].Subnets[0].IpAddressPrefix == expectedAddressPrefix {
+ createNetwork = false
+ log.Infof("Found existing HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
@@ -80,66 +107,47 @@ func ensureNetwork(expectedNetwork *hcsshim.HNSNetwork, expectedVSID int64, expe
// 2. Create a new HNSNetwork
if createNetwork {
if existingNetwork != nil {
- if _, err := existingNetwork.Delete(); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to delete existing HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ if err := existingNetwork.Delete(); err != nil {
+ return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to delete existing HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
- log.Infof("Deleted stale HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ log.Infof("Deleted stale HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
- // Add a VxLan subnet
- expectedNetwork.Subnets = append(expectedNetwork.Subnets, hcsshim.Subnet{
- AddressPrefix: expectedAddressPrefix,
- GatewayAddress: expectedGW,
- Policies: []json.RawMessage{
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Type":"VSID","VSID":%d}`, expectedVSID)),
- },
- })
- // Config request params
- jsonRequest, err := json.Marshal(expectedNetwork)
+ log.Infof("Attempting to create HostComputeNetwork %v", expectedNetwork)
+ newNetwork, err := expectedNetwork.Create()
if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to marshal %+v", expectedNetwork)
- }
- log.Infof("Attempting to create HNSNetwork %s", string(jsonRequest))
- newNetwork, err := hcsshim.HNSNetworkRequest("POST", "", string(jsonRequest))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to create HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to create HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
var waitErr, lastErr error
// Wait for the network to populate Management IP
- log.Infof("Waiting to get ManagementIP from HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ log.Infof("Waiting to get ManagementIP from HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
waitErr = wait.Poll(500*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (done bool, err error) {
- newNetwork, lastErr = hcsshim.HNSNetworkRequest("GET", newNetwork.Id, "")
- return newNetwork != nil && len(newNetwork.ManagementIP) != 0, nil
+ newNetwork, lastErr = hcn.GetNetworkByID(newNetwork.Id)
+ return newNetwork != nil && len(getManagementIP(newNetwork)) != 0, nil
if waitErr == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(lastErr, "timeout, failed to get management IP from HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ return nil, errors.Annotatef(lastErr, "timeout, failed to get management IP from HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
+ managementIP := getManagementIP(newNetwork)
// Wait for the interface with the management IP
netshHelper := netsh.New(utilexec.New())
- log.Infof("Waiting to get net interface for HNSNetwork %s (%s)", networkName, newNetwork.ManagementIP)
+ log.Infof("Waiting to get net interface for HostComputeNetwork %s (%s)", networkName, managementIP)
waitErr = wait.Poll(500*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (done bool, err error) {
- _, lastErr = netshHelper.GetInterfaceByIP(newNetwork.ManagementIP)
+ _, lastErr = netshHelper.GetInterfaceByIP(managementIP)
return lastErr == nil, nil
if waitErr == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(lastErr, "timeout, failed to get net interface for HNSNetwork %s (%s)", networkName, newNetwork.ManagementIP)
+ return nil, errors.Annotatef(lastErr, "timeout, failed to get net interface for HostComputeNetwork %s (%s)", networkName, managementIP)
- log.Infof("Created HNSNetwork %s", networkName)
+ log.Infof("Created HostComputeNetwork %s", networkName)
existingNetwork = newNetwork
- existingNetworkV2, err := hcn.GetNetworkByID(existingNetwork.Id)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Could not find vxlan0 in V2")
- }
addHostRoute := true
- for _, policy := range existingNetworkV2.Policies {
+ for _, policy := range existingNetwork.Policies {
if policy.Type == hcn.HostRoute {
addHostRoute = false
@@ -153,96 +161,37 @@ func ensureNetwork(expectedNetwork *hcsshim.HNSNetwork, expectedVSID int64, expe
networkRequest := hcn.PolicyNetworkRequest{
Policies: []hcn.NetworkPolicy{hostRoutePolicy},
- existingNetworkV2.AddPolicy(networkRequest)
+ err = existingNetwork.AddPolicy(networkRequest)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infof("Could not apply HostRoute policy for local host to local pod connectivity. This policy requires Windows 18321.1000.19h1_release.190117-1502 or newer")
+ }
return existingNetwork, nil
-type neighbor struct {
- MAC string
- IP ip.IP4
- ManagementAddress string
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddEndpoint(n *neighbor) error {
- endpointName := createEndpointName(n.IP)
- // 1. Check if the HNSEndpoint exists and has the expected settings
- existingEndpoint, err := hcsshim.GetHNSEndpointByName(endpointName)
- if err == nil && existingEndpoint.VirtualNetwork == dev.link.Id {
- // Check policies if there is PA type
- targetType := "PA"
- for _, policy := range existingEndpoint.Policies {
- policyType, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(policy, "Type")
- if policyType == targetType {
- actualPaIP, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(policy, targetType)
- if actualPaIP == n.ManagementAddress {
- log.Infof("Found existing remote HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- return nil
- }
+func getManagementIP(network *hcn.HostComputeNetwork) string {
+ for _, policy := range network.Policies {
+ if policy.Type == hcn.ProviderAddress {
+ policySettings := hcn.ProviderAddressEndpointPolicySetting{}
+ err := json.Unmarshal(policy.Settings, &policySettings)
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ return policySettings.ProviderAddress
- // 2. Create a new HNSNetwork
- if existingEndpoint != nil {
- if _, err := existingEndpoint.Delete(); err != nil {
- return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to delete existing remote HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- }
- log.V(4).Infof("Deleted stale HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- }
- newEndpoint := &hcsshim.HNSEndpoint{
- Name: endpointName,
- IPAddress: n.IP.ToIP(),
- MacAddress: n.MAC,
- VirtualNetwork: dev.link.Id,
- IsRemoteEndpoint: true,
- Policies: []json.RawMessage{
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Type":"PA","PA":"%s"}`, n.ManagementAddress)),
- },
- }
- if _, err := newEndpoint.Create(); err != nil {
- return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to create remote HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- }
- log.V(4).Infof("Created HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- return nil
+ return ""
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) DelEndpoint(n *neighbor) error {
- endpointName := createEndpointName(n.IP)
- existingEndpoint, err := hcsshim.GetHNSEndpointByName(endpointName)
- if err == nil && existingEndpoint.VirtualNetwork == dev.link.Id {
- // Check policies if there is PA type
- targetType := "PA"
- for _, policy := range existingEndpoint.Policies {
- policyType, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(policy, "Type")
- if policyType == targetType {
- actualPaIP, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(policy, targetType)
- if actualPaIP == n.ManagementAddress {
- // Found it and delete
- if _, err := existingEndpoint.Delete(); err != nil {
- return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to delete remote HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- }
- log.V(4).Infof("Deleted HNSEndpoint %s", endpointName)
- break
- }
- }
- }
+func createSubnet(AddressPrefix string, NextHop string, DestPrefix string) *hcn.Subnet {
+ return &hcn.Subnet{
+ IpAddressPrefix: AddressPrefix,
+ Routes: []hcn.Route{
+ {
+ NextHop: NextHop,
+ DestinationPrefix: DestPrefix,
+ },
+ },
- return nil
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) ConjureMac(targetIP ip.IP4) string {
- a, b, c, d := targetIP.Octets()
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", dev.macPrefix, a, b, c, d)
-func createEndpointName(targetIP ip.IP4) string {
- return "remote_" + targetIP.String()