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Merge pull request #656 from tomdee/docs-shuffle

Documentation: Split README into multiple files
Tom Denham hace 8 años

+ 51 - 0

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+### Backends
+* udp: use UDP to encapsulate the packets.
+  * `Type` (string): `udp`
+  * `Port` (number): UDP port to use for sending encapsulated packets. Defaults to 8285.
+* vxlan: use in-kernel VXLAN to encapsulate the packets.
+  * `Type` (string): `vxlan`
+  * `VNI`  (number): VXLAN Identifier (VNI) to be used. Defaults to 1.
+  * `Port` (number): UDP port to use for sending encapsulated packets. Defaults to kernel default, currently 8472.
+  * `GBP` (boolean): Enable [VXLAN Group Based Policy](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/3511494ce2f3d3b77544c79b87511a4ddb61dc89).  Defaults to false.
+* host-gw: create IP routes to subnets via remote machine IPs.
+  Note that this requires direct layer2 connectivity between hosts running flannel.
+  * `Type` (string): `host-gw`
+* aws-vpc: create IP routes in an [Amazon VPC route table](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Route_Tables.html).
+  * Requirements:
+	* Running on an EC2 instance that is in an Amazon VPC.
+	* Permissions required: `CreateRoute`, `DeleteRoute`,`DescribeRouteTables`, `ModifyInstanceAttribute`, `DescribeInstances [optional]`
+  * `Type` (string): `aws-vpc`
+  * `RouteTableID` (string): [optional] The ID of the VPC route table to add routes to.
+     The route table must be in the same region as the EC2 instance that flannel is running on.
+     flannel can automatically detect the id of the route table if the optional `DescribeInstances` is granted to the EC2 instance.
+  Authentication is handled via either environment variables or the node's IAM role.
+  If the node has insufficient privileges to modify the VPC routing table specified, ensure that appropriate `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, and optionally `AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN` environment variables are set when running the flanneld process.
+  Note: Currently, AWS [limits](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Appendix_Limits.html) the number of entries per route table to 50.
+* gce: create IP routes in a [Google Compute Engine Network](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#networks)
+  * Requirements:
+    * [Enable IP forwarding for the instances](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#canipforward).
+    * [Instance service account](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/authentication#using) with read-write compute permissions.
+  * `Type` (string): `gce`
+  Command to create a compute instance with the correct permissions and IP forwarding enabled:
+  `$ gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE --can-ip-forward --scopes compute-rw`
+  Note: Currently, GCE [limits](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/resource-quotas) the number of routes for every *project* to 100.
+* alloc: only perform subnet allocation (no forwarding of data packets).
+  * `Type` (string): `alloc`
+* ali-vpc: create IP routes in a [alicloud VPC route table](https://vpc.console.aliyun.com)
+  * Requirements:
+    * Running on an ECS instance that is in an Alicloud VPC.
+    * Permission require accessid and keysecret
+  * `Type` (string): `ali-vpc`
+  * `AccessKeyID` (string): api access key id. can also be configure with environment ACCESS_KEY_ID
+  * `AccessKeySecret` (string): api access key secret.can also be configure with environment ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
+  Note: Currently, AliVPC limit the number of entries per route table to 50.

+ 19 - 0

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+## Building flannel
+The most reliable way to build flannel is by using Docker.
+### Building in a Docker container
+To build flannel in a container run `make dist/flanneld-amd64`
+You will now have a `flanneld-amd64` binary in the `dist` directory.
+### Building manually
+* Step 1: Make sure you have required dependencies installed on your machine.
+** On Ubuntu, run `sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev golang gcc`.
+** On Fedora/Redhat, run `sudo yum install kernel-headers golang gcc`.
+* Step 2: Git clone the flannel repo. It MUST be placed in your GOPATH under `github.com/coreos/flannel`: `cd $GOPATH/src; git clone https://github.com/coreos/flannel.git`
+* Step 3: Run the build script, ensuring that `CGO_ENABLED=1`: `cd flannel; CGO_ENABLED=1 make dist/flanneld`
+## Release Process
+* Create a release on Github and use it to create a tag
+* Check the tag out and run
+  * `make release`
+* Attach all the files in `dist` to the Github release
+* Run `make docker-push-all` to push all the images to a registry

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+## Configuration
+flannel reads its configuration from etcd.
+By default, it will read the configuration from `/coreos.com/network/config` (can be overridden via `--etcd-prefix`).
+You can use `etcdctl` utility to set values in etcd.
+The value of the config is a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
+* `Network` (string): IPv4 network in CIDR format to use for the entire flannel network.
+This is the only mandatory key.
+* `SubnetLen` (integer): The size of the subnet allocated to each host.
+   Defaults to 24 (i.e. /24) unless the Network was configured to be smaller than a /24 in which case it is one less than the network.
+* `SubnetMin` (string): The beginning of IP range which the subnet allocation should start with.
+   Defaults to the first subnet of Network.
+* `SubnetMax` (string): The end of the IP range at which the subnet allocation should end with.
+   Defaults to the last subnet of Network.
+* `Backend` (dictionary): Type of backend to use and specific configurations for that backend.
+   The list of available backends and the keys that can be put into the this dictionary are listed below.
+   Defaults to "udp" backend.
+The lease on a subnet is hard-coded to 24h (see [`subnetTTL`](subnet/local_manager.go#L31)).
+Subnet lease are renewed within 1h of their expiration (can be overridden via `--subnet-lease-renew-margin`).
+### Example configuration JSON
+The following configuration illustrates the use of most options with `udp` backend.
+	"Network": "",
+	"SubnetLen": 20,
+	"SubnetMin": "",
+	"SubnetMax": "",
+	"Backend": {
+		"Type": "udp",
+		"Port": 7890
+	}
+## Key command line options
+--public-ip="": IP accessible by other nodes for inter-host communication. Defaults to the IP of the interface being used for communication.
+--etcd-endpoints= a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints.
+--etcd-prefix=/coreos.com/network: etcd prefix.
+--etcd-keyfile="": SSL key file used to secure etcd communication.
+--etcd-certfile="": SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication.
+--etcd-cafile="": SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication.
+--kube-subnet-mgr: Contact the Kubernetes API for subnet assignement instead of etcd or flannel-server.
+--iface="": interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. Defaults to the interface for the default route on the machine.
+--subnet-file=/run/flannel/subnet.env: filename where env variables (subnet and MTU values) will be written to.
+--subnet-lease-renew-margin=60: subnet lease renewal margin, in minutes.
+--ip-masq=false: setup IP masquerade for traffic destined for outside the flannel network. Flannel assumes that the default policy is ACCEPT in the NAT POSTROUTING chain.
+--networks="": if specified, will run in multi-network mode. Value is comma separate list of networks to join.
+-v=0: log level for V logs. Set to 1 to see messages related to data path.
+--version: print version and exit
+## Environment variables
+The command line options outlined above can also be specified via environment variables.
+For example `--etcd-endpoints=` is equivalent to `FLANNELD_ETCD_ENDPOINTS=` environment variable.
+Any command line option can be turned into an environment variable by prefixing it with `FLANNELD_`, stripping leading dashes, converting to uppercase and replacing all other dashes to underscores.

+ 40 - 0

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+## Running
+Once you have pushed configuration JSON to etcd, you can start flanneld.
+If you published your config at the default location, you can start flanneld with no arguments.
+flannel will acquire a subnet lease, configure its routes based on other leases in the overlay network and start routing packets.
+Additionally it will monitor etcd for new members of the network and adjust the routes accordingly.
+After flannel has acquired the subnet and configured backend, it will write out an environment variable file (`/run/flannel/subnet.env` by default) with subnet address and MTU that it supports.
+## Zero-downtime restarts
+When running with a backend other than `udp`, the kernel is providing the data path with flanneld acting as the control plane.
+As such, flanneld can be restarted (even to do an upgrade) without disturbing existing flows.
+However in the case of `vxlan` backend, this needs to be done within a few seconds as ARP entries can start to timeout requiring the flannel daemon to refresh them.
+Also, to avoid interruptions during restart, the configuration must not be changed (e.g. VNI, --iface values).
+## Docker integration
+Docker daemon accepts `--bip` argument to configure the subnet of the docker0 bridge.
+It also accepts `--mtu` to set the MTU for docker0 and veth devices that it will be creating.
+Since flannel writes out the acquired subnet and MTU values into a file, the script starting Docker can source in the values and pass them to Docker daemon:
+source /run/flannel/subnet.env
+docker daemon --bip=${FLANNEL_SUBNET} --mtu=${FLANNEL_MTU} &
+Systemd users can use `EnvironmentFile` directive in the .service file to pull in `/run/flannel/subnet.env`
+## CoreOS integration
+CoreOS ships with flannel integrated into the distribution.
+See https://coreos.com/docs/cluster-management/setup/flannel-config/ for more information.
+## Running on Vagrant
+Vagrant has a tendency to give the default interface (one with the default route) a non-unique IP (often
+This causes flannel to register multiple nodes with the same IP.
+To work around this issue, use `--iface` option to specify the interface that has a unique IP.
+If you're running on CoreOS, use cloud-config to set `coreos.flannel.interface` to `$public_ipv4`.

+ 4 - 0

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+### Firewalls
+When using `udp` backend, flannel uses UDP port 8285 for sending encapsulated packets.
+When using `vxlan` backend, kernel uses UDP port 8472 for sending encapsulated packets.
+Make sure that your firewall rules allow this traffic for all hosts participating in the overlay network.

+ 8 - 218

@@ -19,221 +19,11 @@ The following diagram demonstrates the path a packet takes as it traverses the o
 ![Life of a packet](./packet-01.png)
-## Building flannel
-The most reliable way to build flannel is by using Docker.
-### Building in a Docker container
-To build flannel in a container run `make dist/flanneld-amd64`
-You will now have a `flanneld-amd64` binary in the `dist` directory.
-### Building manually
-* Step 1: Make sure you have required dependencies installed on your machine. 
-** On Ubuntu, run `sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev golang gcc`.
-** On Fedora/Redhat, run `sudo yum install kernel-headers golang gcc`.
-* Step 2: Git clone the flannel repo. It MUST be placed in your GOPATH under `github.com/coreos/flannel`: `cd $GOPATH/src; git clone https://github.com/coreos/flannel.git`
-* Step 3: Run the build script, ensuring that `CGO_ENABLED=1`: `cd flannel; CGO_ENABLED=1 make dist/flanneld`
-## Configuration
-flannel reads its configuration from etcd.
-By default, it will read the configuration from `/coreos.com/network/config` (can be overridden via `--etcd-prefix`).
-You can use `etcdctl` utility to set values in etcd.
-The value of the config is a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
-* `Network` (string): IPv4 network in CIDR format to use for the entire flannel network.
-This is the only mandatory key.
-* `SubnetLen` (integer): The size of the subnet allocated to each host.
-   Defaults to 24 (i.e. /24) unless the Network was configured to be smaller than a /24 in which case it is one less than the network.
-* `SubnetMin` (string): The beginning of IP range which the subnet allocation should start with.
-   Defaults to the first subnet of Network.
-* `SubnetMax` (string): The end of the IP range at which the subnet allocation should end with.
-   Defaults to the last subnet of Network.
-* `Backend` (dictionary): Type of backend to use and specific configurations for that backend.
-   The list of available backends and the keys that can be put into the this dictionary are listed below.
-   Defaults to "udp" backend.
-The lease on a subnet is hard-coded to 24h (see [`subnetTTL`](subnet/local_manager.go#L31)).
-Subnet lease are renewed within 1h of their expiration (can be overridden via `--subnet-lease-renew-margin`).
-### Backends
-* udp: use UDP to encapsulate the packets.
-  * `Type` (string): `udp`
-  * `Port` (number): UDP port to use for sending encapsulated packets. Defaults to 8285.
-* vxlan: use in-kernel VXLAN to encapsulate the packets.
-  * `Type` (string): `vxlan`
-  * `VNI`  (number): VXLAN Identifier (VNI) to be used. Defaults to 1.
-  * `Port` (number): UDP port to use for sending encapsulated packets. Defaults to kernel default, currently 8472.
-  * `GBP` (boolean): Enable [VXLAN Group Based Policy](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/3511494ce2f3d3b77544c79b87511a4ddb61dc89).  Defaults to false.
-* host-gw: create IP routes to subnets via remote machine IPs.
-  Note that this requires direct layer2 connectivity between hosts running flannel.
-  * `Type` (string): `host-gw`
-* aws-vpc: create IP routes in an [Amazon VPC route table](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Route_Tables.html).
-  * Requirements:
-	* Running on an EC2 instance that is in an Amazon VPC.
-	* Permissions required: `CreateRoute`, `DeleteRoute`,`DescribeRouteTables`, `ModifyInstanceAttribute`, `DescribeInstances [optional]`
-  * `Type` (string): `aws-vpc`
-  * `RouteTableID` (string): [optional] The ID of the VPC route table to add routes to.
-     The route table must be in the same region as the EC2 instance that flannel is running on.
-     flannel can automatically detect the id of the route table if the optional `DescribeInstances` is granted to the EC2 instance.
-  Authentication is handled via either environment variables or the node's IAM role.
-  If the node has insufficient privileges to modify the VPC routing table specified, ensure that appropriate `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, and optionally `AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN` environment variables are set when running the flanneld process. 
-  Note: Currently, AWS [limits](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Appendix_Limits.html) the number of entries per route table to 50. 
-* gce: create IP routes in a [Google Compute Engine Network](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#networks)
-  * Requirements:
-    * [Enable IP forwarding for the instances](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#canipforward).
-    * [Instance service account](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/authentication#using) with read-write compute permissions. 
-  * `Type` (string): `gce`  
-  Command to create a compute instance with the correct permissions and IP forwarding enabled:  
-  `$ gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE --can-ip-forward --scopes compute-rw`  
-  Note: Currently, GCE [limits](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/resource-quotas) the number of routes for every *project* to 100.
-* alloc: only perform subnet allocation (no forwarding of data packets).
-  * `Type` (string): `alloc`
-* ali-vpc: create IP routes in a [alicloud VPC route table](https://vpc.console.aliyun.com)
-  * Requirements:
-    * Running on an ECS instance that is in an Alicloud VPC.
-    * Permission require accessid and keysecret 
-  * `Type` (string): `ali-vpc`
-  * `AccessKeyID` (string): api access key id. can also be configure with environment ACCESS_KEY_ID
-  * `AccessKeySecret` (string): api access key secret.can also be configure with environment ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
-  Note: Currently, AliVPC limit the number of entries per route table to 50.  
-### Example configuration JSON
-The following configuration illustrates the use of most options with `udp` backend.
-	"Network": "",
-	"SubnetLen": 20,
-	"SubnetMin": "",
-	"SubnetMax": "",
-	"Backend": {
-		"Type": "udp",
-		"Port": 7890
-	}
-### Firewalls
-When using `udp` backend, flannel uses UDP port 8285 for sending encapsulated packets.
-When using `vxlan` backend, kernel uses UDP port 8472 for sending encapsulated packets.
-Make sure that your firewall rules allow this traffic for all hosts participating in the overlay network.
-## Running
-Once you have pushed configuration JSON to etcd, you can start flanneld.
-If you published your config at the default location, you can start flanneld with no arguments.
-flannel will acquire a subnet lease, configure its routes based on other leases in the overlay network and start routing packets.
-Additionally it will monitor etcd for new members of the network and adjust the routes accordingly.
-After flannel has acquired the subnet and configured backend, it will write out an environment variable file (`/run/flannel/subnet.env` by default) with subnet address and MTU that it supports.
-## Multi-network mode (EXPERIMENTAL)
-Multi-network mode allows a single flannel daemon to join multiple networks.
-Each network is independent from each other and has its own configuration, IP space, interfaces.
-To configure three networks -- in this example named `blue`, `green`, and `red` -- start by publishing their configurations to etcd in different locations:
-$ etcdctl set /coreos.com/network/blue/config  '{ "Network": "", "Backend": { "Type": "vxlan", "VNI": 1 } }'
-$ etcdctl set /coreos.com/network/green/config '{ "Network": "", "Backend": { "Type": "vxlan", "VNI": 2 } }'
-$ etcdctl set /coreos.com/network/red/config   '{ "Network": "", "Backend": { "Type": "vxlan", "VNI": 3 } }'
-Next, start the flannel daemon, specifying the networks to join:
-$ flanneld --networks=blue,green,red
-Instead of writing out a single `/run/flannel/subnet.env` file with flannel parameters, it will create a .env file for each network in the directory `/run/flannel/networks`:
-$ ls /run/flannel/networks/
-blue.env  green.env  red.env
-**Important**: In multi-network mode, flannel will not notify systemd that it is ready upon initialization.
-This is because some networks may initialize slower than others (or never).
-Use systemd.path files for unit synchronization.
-## Key command line options
---public-ip="": IP accessible by other nodes for inter-host communication. Defaults to the IP of the interface being used for communication.
---etcd-endpoints= a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints.
---etcd-prefix=/coreos.com/network: etcd prefix.
---etcd-keyfile="": SSL key file used to secure etcd communication.
---etcd-certfile="": SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication.
---etcd-cafile="": SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication.
---kube-subnet-mgr: Contact the Kubernetes API for subnet assignement instead of etcd or flannel-server.
---iface="": interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. Defaults to the interface for the default route on the machine.
---subnet-file=/run/flannel/subnet.env: filename where env variables (subnet and MTU values) will be written to.
---subnet-lease-renew-margin=60: subnet lease renewal margin, in minutes.
---ip-masq=false: setup IP masquerade for traffic destined for outside the flannel network. Flannel assumes that the default policy is ACCEPT in the NAT POSTROUTING chain.
---networks="": if specified, will run in multi-network mode. Value is comma separate list of networks to join.
--v=0: log level for V logs. Set to 1 to see messages related to data path.
---version: print version and exit
-## Environment variables
-The command line options outlined above can also be specified via environment variables.
-For example `--etcd-endpoints=` is equivalent to `FLANNELD_ETCD_ENDPOINTS=` environment variable.
-Any command line option can be turned into an environment variable by prefixing it with `FLANNELD_`, stripping leading dashes, converting to uppercase and replacing all other dashes to underscores.
-## Zero-downtime restarts
-When running with a backend other than `udp`, the kernel is providing the data path with flanneld acting as the control plane.
-As such, flanneld can be restarted (even to do an upgrade) without disturbing existing flows.
-However in the case of `vxlan` backend, this needs to be done within a few seconds as ARP entries can start to timeout requiring the flannel daemon to refresh them.
-Also, to avoid interruptions during restart, the configuration must not be changed (e.g. VNI, --iface values).
-## Docker integration
-Docker daemon accepts `--bip` argument to configure the subnet of the docker0 bridge.
-It also accepts `--mtu` to set the MTU for docker0 and veth devices that it will be creating.
-Since flannel writes out the acquired subnet and MTU values into a file, the script starting Docker can source in the values and pass them to Docker daemon:
-source /run/flannel/subnet.env
-docker daemon --bip=${FLANNEL_SUBNET} --mtu=${FLANNEL_MTU} &
-Systemd users can use `EnvironmentFile` directive in the .service file to pull in `/run/flannel/subnet.env`
-## CoreOS integration
-CoreOS ships with flannel integrated into the distribution.
-See https://coreos.com/docs/cluster-management/setup/flannel-config/ for more information.
-## Running on Vagrant
-Vagrant has a tendency to give the default interface (one with the default route) a non-unique IP (often
-This causes flannel to register multiple nodes with the same IP.
-To work around this issue, use `--iface` option to specify the interface that has a unique IP.
-If you're running on CoreOS, use cloud-config to set `coreos.flannel.interface` to `$public_ipv4`.
-## Release Process
-* Create a release on Github and use it to create a tag
-* Check the tag out and run
-  * `make release`
-* Attach all the files in `dist` to the Github release
-* Run `make docker-push-all` to push all the images to a registry
-## Related Links
-### Integrations and Production Users
-- [Projects integrating with flannel](https://github.com/coreos/flannel/blob/master/Documentation/integrations.md)
-- [Production users](https://github.com/coreos/flannel/blob/master/Documentation/production-users.md)
+## Documenation
+- [Running](Documentation/running.md)
+- [Configuration](Documentation/configuration.md)
+- [Backends](Documentation/backends.md)
+- [Troubleshooting](Documentation/troubleshooting.md)
+- [Building (and releasing)](Documentation/building.md)
+- [Projects integrating with flannel](Documentation/integrations.md)
+- [Production users](Documentation/production-users.md)