@@ -1,44 +1,42 @@
-# Uncomment to see what commands are being executed
-#set -x
-usage() {
- echo
- echo "Run end-to-end tests by bringing up two flannel instances"
- echo "and having them ping each other"
- echo
- echo "NOTE: this script depends on Docker 1.9.0 or higher"
- exit 1
+TAG=`git describe --tags --dirty`
+setup_suite() {
+ # Run etcd, killing any existing one that was running
+ docker_ip=$(ip -o -f inet addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
+ etcd_endpt="http://$docker_ip:2379"
+ # Start etcd
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-etcd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-etcd -d -p 2379:2379 $ETCD_IMG $ETCD_LOCATION --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls $etcd_endpt >/dev/null
-version_check() {
- required=$1
- actual=$2
- err_prefix=$3
+teardown_suite() {
+ # Teardown the etcd server
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-etcd >/dev/null
- req_maj=$(echo $required | cut -d . -f 1)
- req_min=$(echo $required | cut -d . -f 2)
- act_maj=$(echo $actual | cut -d . -f 1)
- act_min=$(echo $actual | cut -d . -f 2)
+setup() {
+ # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ assert "docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 -d --privileged $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10 >/dev/null"
- if [ $act_maj -lt $req_maj ] || ( [ $act_maj -eq $req_maj ] && [ $act_min -lt $req_min ] ); then
- echo "$err_prefix: required=$required, found=$actual"
- exit 1
- fi
+ # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ assert "docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 -d --privileged $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10 >/dev/null"
-docker_version_check() {
- ver=$(docker version -f '{{.Server.Version}}')
- version_check "1.9" $ver
+teardown() {
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-run_test() {
- backend=$1
+write_config_etcd() {
+ local backend=$1
if [ -e "$backend" ]; then
echo "Reading custom conf from $backend"
flannel_conf=`cat "$backend"`
@@ -46,111 +44,112 @@ run_test() {
flannel_conf="{ \"Network\": \"$FLANNEL_NET\", \"Backend\": { \"Type\": \"${backend}\" } }"
- # etcd might take a bit to come up
- while ! docker run --rm -it $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /coreos.com/network/config "$flannel_conf"
+ # etcd might take a bit to come up - use a known etcd version so we know we have etcdctl available
+ while ! docker run --rm -it quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.2.7 etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /coreos.com/network/config "$flannel_conf" >/dev/null
- sleep 1
+ sleep 0.1
- echo flannel config written
- # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
- docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 2>/dev/null
- docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 -d --privileged $flannel_img --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
- docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 2>/dev/null
- docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 -d --privileged $flannel_img --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- echo flannels running
- # wait an arbitrary amount to have flannels come up
- sleep 5
+create_ping_dest() {
+ # add a dummy interface with $FLANNEL_SUBNET so we have a known working IP to ping
+ for host_num in 1 2; do
+ while ! docker exec flannel-e2e-test-flannel$host_num ls /run/flannel/subnet.env >/dev/null 2>&1; do
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
- # add a dummy interface with $FLANNEL_SUBNET so we have a known working IP to ping
- ping_dest=$(docker "exec" --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 /bin/sh -c '\
- source /run/flannel/subnet.env &&
+ # Use declare to allow the host_num variable to be part of the ping_dest variable name. -g is needed to make it global
+ declare -g ping_dest$host_num=$(docker "exec" --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel$host_num /bin/sh -c '\
+ source /run/flannel/subnet.env && \
ip link add name dummy0 type dummy && \
- ip addr add $FLANNEL_SUBNET dev dummy0 && \
- ip link set dummy0 up && \
+ ip addr add $FLANNEL_SUBNET dev dummy0 && ip link set dummy0 up && \
echo $FLANNEL_SUBNET | cut -f 1 -d "/" ')
+ done
- docker exec -it --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 /bin/ping -c 5 $ping_dest
- exit_code=$?
- # Uncomment to debug (you can nsenter)
- #if [ $exit_code -eq "1" ]; then
- # sleep 10000
- #fi
+test_vxlan_ping() {
+ write_config_etcd vxlan
+ create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
+ pings
- echo "Test for backend=$backend: exit=$exit_code"
+test_udp_ping() {
+ write_config_etcd udp
+ create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
+ pings
- # Perf test - run iperf server on flannel1 and client on flannel2
- if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
- docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf 2>/dev/null
- docker run -d --name flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 mlabbe/iperf3
- docker run --rm --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 mlabbe/iperf3 -c $ping_dest
- fi
+test_host-gw_ping() {
+ write_config_etcd host-gw
+ create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
+ pings
- docker stop flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null
+pings() {
+ # ping in both directions
+ assert "docker exec -it --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 /bin/ping -c 3 $ping_dest2" "Host 1 cannot ping host 2"
+ assert "docker exec -it --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 /bin/ping -c 3 $ping_dest1" "Host 2 cannot ping host 1"
- if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
- # Print flannel logs to help debug
- echo "------ flannel server (one being pinged) log -------"
- docker logs flannel-e2e-test-flannel1
- echo
+# These perf tests don't actually assert on anything
+test_host-gw-perf() {
+ write_config_etcd host-gw
+ create_ping_dest
+ perf
- echo "------ flannel client (one doing the ping) log -------"
- docker logs flannel-e2e-test-flannel2
- echo
- fi
+test_vxlan_perf() {
+ write_config_etcd vxlan
+ create_ping_dest
+ perf
- docker rm flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null
+test_udp_perf() {
+ write_config_etcd udp
+ create_ping_dest
+ perf
- return $exit_code
+perf() {
+ # Perf test - run iperf server on flannel1 and client on flannel2
+ docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf 2>/dev/null
+ docker run -d --name flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 mlabbe/iperf3
+ docker run --rm --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 mlabbe/iperf3 -c $ping_dest1
-multi_test() {
+test_multi() {
flannel_conf_vxlan='{"Network": "", "Backend": {"Type": "vxlan"}}'
flannel_conf_host_gw='{"Network": "", "Backend": {"Type": "host-gw"}}'
- # etcd might take a bit to come up
- while ! docker run --rm -it $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /vxlan/network/config "$flannel_conf_vxlan"
+ while ! docker run --rm -it $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /vxlan/network/config "$flannel_conf_vxlan" >/dev/null
- sleep 1
+ sleep 0.1
- while ! docker run --rm -it $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /hostgw/network/config "$flannel_conf_host_gw"
+ while ! docker run --rm -it $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /hostgw/network/config "$flannel_conf_host_gw" >/dev/null
- sleep 1
+ sleep 0.1
- echo flannel config written
for host in 1 2; do
- echo "=== Creating Host: $host ==============================================="
- # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
- docker rm -f flannel-host$host 2>/dev/null
+ # rm any old flannel container, ignore error as it might not exist
+ docker rm -f flannel-host$host 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
# Start the hosts
- docker run --name=flannel-host$host -d -it --privileged --entrypoint /bin/sh $flannel_img
+ docker run --name=flannel-host$host -d -it --privileged --entrypoint /bin/sh $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE >/dev/null
# Start two flanneld instances
docker exec -d flannel-host$host sh -c "/opt/bin/flanneld -v 10 -subnet-file /vxlan.env -etcd-prefix=/vxlan/network --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt 2>vxlan.log"
docker exec -d flannel-host$host sh -c "/opt/bin/flanneld -v 10 -subnet-file /hostgw.env -etcd-prefix=/hostgw/network --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt 2>hostgw.log"
- echo flannels running
- # wait an arbitrary amount to have flannels come up
- sleep 1
+ for host in 1 2; do
+ for backend_type in vxlan hostgw; do
+ while ! docker exec flannel-host$host ls /$backend_type.env >/dev/null 2>&1; do
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
+ done
+ done
# add dummy interface on host1 only so we have a known working IP to ping then ping it from host2
vxlan_ping_dest=$(docker exec flannel-host1 /bin/sh -c '\
@@ -169,86 +168,8 @@ multi_test() {
# Send some pings from host2. Make sure we can send traffic over vxlan or directly.
# If a particular (wrong) interface is forced then pings should fail
- docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $hostgw_ping_dest && \
- docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $vxlan_ping_dest && \
- ! docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I flannel.1 $hostgw_ping_dest && \
- ! docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I eth0 $vxlan_ping_dest
- exit_code=$?
- # Uncomment to debug (you can nsenter)
- #if [ $exit_code -eq "1" ]; then
- # sleep 10000
- #fi
- echo "Test for multi-backend: exit=$exit_code"
- if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
- # Print flannel logs to help debug
- echo "------ flannel server (one being pinged) log -------"
- docker exec flannel-host1 sh -c 'cat *.log'
- echo
- echo "------ flannel client (one doing the ping) log -------"
- docker exec flannel-host2 sh -c 'cat *.log'
- echo
- fi
- docker rm -f flannel-host1 flannel-host2 >/dev/null
- return $exit_code
-if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- usage
-# Check that docker is new enough
-docker0=$(ip -o -f inet addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
-docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-etcd 2>/dev/null
-docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-etcd -d -p 2379:2379 $ETCD_IMG etcd --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls $etcd_endpt
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 1
-echo etcd launched
-backends=${BACKEND:-"udp vxlan host-gw"}
-for backend in $backends; do
- echo
- echo "=== BACKEND: $backend ==============================================="
- if ! run_test $backend; then
- global_exit_code=1
- fi
-echo "=== MULTI BACKEND ==============================================="
-if ! multi_test; then
- global_exit_code=1
-docker stop flannel-e2e-test-etcd >/dev/null
-if [ $global_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
- echo
- # Print etcd logs to help debug
- echo "------ etcd log -------"
- docker logs $etcd
- echo
- echo "TEST(S) FAILED"
-docker rm flannel-e2e-test-etcd 2>/dev/null
-exit $global_exit_code
+ assert "docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $hostgw_ping_dest"
+ assert "docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $vxlan_ping_dest"
+ assert_fails "docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I flannel.1 $hostgw_ping_dest"
+ assert_fails "docker exec -it flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I eth0 $vxlan_ping_dest"