@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ You will now have a `flanneld-amd64` binary in the `dist` directory.
** On Ubuntu, run `sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev golang gcc`.
** On Fedora/Redhat, run `sudo yum install kernel-headers golang gcc`.
* Step 2: Git clone the flannel repo. It MUST be placed in your GOPATH under `github.com/coreos/flannel`: `cd $GOPATH/src; git clone https://github.com/coreos/flannel.git`
-* Step 3: Run the build script, ensuring that `CGO_ENABLED=1`: `cd flannel; CGO_ENABLED=1 make dist/flanneldmake dist/flanneld`
+* Step 3: Run the build script, ensuring that `CGO_ENABLED=1`: `cd flannel; CGO_ENABLED=1 make dist/flanneld`
## Configuration