@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 flannel authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package subnet
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- "time"
- etcd "github.com/coreos/etcd/client"
- "github.com/coreos/flannel/pkg/ip"
- log "github.com/golang/glog"
- "golang.org/x/net/context"
-const (
- raceRetries = 10
- subnetTTL = 24 * time.Hour
-type LocalManager struct {
- registry Registry
-type watchCursor struct {
- index uint64
-func isErrEtcdTestFailed(e error) bool {
- if e == nil {
- return false
- }
- etcdErr, ok := e.(etcd.Error)
- return ok && etcdErr.Code == etcd.ErrorCodeTestFailed
-func isErrEtcdNodeExist(e error) bool {
- if e == nil {
- return false
- }
- etcdErr, ok := e.(etcd.Error)
- return ok || etcdErr.Code == etcd.ErrorCodeNodeExist
-func isErrEtcdKeyNotFound(e error) bool {
- if e == nil {
- return false
- }
- etcdErr, ok := e.(etcd.Error)
- return ok || etcdErr.Code == etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound
-func (c watchCursor) String() string {
- return strconv.FormatUint(c.index, 10)
-func NewLocalManager(config *EtcdConfig) (Manager, error) {
- r, err := newEtcdSubnetRegistry(config, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return newLocalManager(r), nil
-func newLocalManager(r Registry) Manager {
- return &LocalManager{
- registry: r,
- }
-func (m *LocalManager) GetNetworkConfig(ctx context.Context, network string) (*Config, error) {
- cfg, err := m.registry.getNetworkConfig(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return ParseConfig(cfg)
-func (m *LocalManager) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, network string, attrs *LeaseAttrs) (*Lease, error) {
- config, err := m.GetNetworkConfig(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- for i := 0; i < raceRetries; i++ {
- l, err := m.tryAcquireLease(ctx, network, config, attrs.PublicIP, attrs)
- switch err {
- case nil:
- return l, nil
- case errTryAgain:
- continue
- default:
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return nil, errors.New("Max retries reached trying to acquire a subnet")
-func findLeaseByIP(leases []Lease, pubIP ip.IP4) *Lease {
- for _, l := range leases {
- if pubIP == l.Attrs.PublicIP {
- return &l
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (m *LocalManager) tryAcquireLease(ctx context.Context, network string, config *Config, extIaddr ip.IP4, attrs *LeaseAttrs) (*Lease, error) {
- leases, _, err := m.registry.getSubnets(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // try to reuse a subnet if there's one that matches our IP
- if l := findLeaseByIP(leases, extIaddr); l != nil {
- // make sure the existing subnet is still within the configured network
- if isSubnetConfigCompat(config, l.Subnet) {
- log.Infof("Found lease (%v) for current IP (%v), reusing", l.Subnet, extIaddr)
- ttl := time.Duration(0)
- if !l.Expiration.IsZero() {
- // Not a reservation
- ttl = subnetTTL
- }
- exp, err := m.registry.updateSubnet(ctx, network, l.Subnet, attrs, ttl, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- l.Attrs = *attrs
- l.Expiration = exp
- return l, nil
- } else {
- log.Infof("Found lease (%v) for current IP (%v) but not compatible with current config, deleting", l.Subnet, extIaddr)
- if err := m.registry.deleteSubnet(ctx, network, l.Subnet); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- }
- // no existing match, grab a new one
- sn, err := m.allocateSubnet(config, leases)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- exp, err := m.registry.createSubnet(ctx, network, sn, attrs, subnetTTL)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return &Lease{
- Subnet: sn,
- Attrs: *attrs,
- Expiration: exp,
- }, nil
- case isErrEtcdNodeExist(err):
- return nil, errTryAgain
- default:
- return nil, err
- }
-func (m *LocalManager) allocateSubnet(config *Config, leases []Lease) (ip.IP4Net, error) {
- log.Infof("Picking subnet in range %s ... %s", config.SubnetMin, config.SubnetMax)
- var bag []ip.IP4
- sn := ip.IP4Net{IP: config.SubnetMin, PrefixLen: config.SubnetLen}
- for ; sn.IP <= config.SubnetMax && len(bag) < 100; sn = sn.Next() {
- for _, l := range leases {
- if sn.Overlaps(l.Subnet) {
- continue OuterLoop
- }
- }
- bag = append(bag, sn.IP)
- }
- if len(bag) == 0 {
- return ip.IP4Net{}, errors.New("out of subnets")
- } else {
- i := randInt(0, len(bag))
- return ip.IP4Net{IP: bag[i], PrefixLen: config.SubnetLen}, nil
- }
-func (m *LocalManager) RevokeLease(ctx context.Context, network string, sn ip.IP4Net) error {
- return m.registry.deleteSubnet(ctx, network, sn)
-func (m *LocalManager) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, network string, lease *Lease) error {
- exp, err := m.registry.updateSubnet(ctx, network, lease.Subnet, &lease.Attrs, subnetTTL, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- lease.Expiration = exp
- return nil
-func getNextIndex(cursor interface{}) (uint64, error) {
- nextIndex := uint64(0)
- if wc, ok := cursor.(watchCursor); ok {
- nextIndex = wc.index
- } else if s, ok := cursor.(string); ok {
- var err error
- nextIndex, err = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse cursor: %v", err)
- }
- } else {
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("internal error: watch cursor is of unknown type")
- }
- return nextIndex, nil
-func (m *LocalManager) leaseWatchReset(ctx context.Context, network string, sn ip.IP4Net) (LeaseWatchResult, error) {
- l, index, err := m.registry.getSubnet(ctx, network, sn)
- if err != nil {
- return LeaseWatchResult{}, err
- }
- return LeaseWatchResult{
- Snapshot: []Lease{*l},
- Cursor: watchCursor{index},
- }, nil
-func (m *LocalManager) WatchLease(ctx context.Context, network string, sn ip.IP4Net, cursor interface{}) (LeaseWatchResult, error) {
- if cursor == nil {
- return m.leaseWatchReset(ctx, network, sn)
- }
- nextIndex, err := getNextIndex(cursor)
- if err != nil {
- return LeaseWatchResult{}, err
- }
- evt, index, err := m.registry.watchSubnet(ctx, network, nextIndex, sn)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return LeaseWatchResult{
- Events: []Event{evt},
- Cursor: watchCursor{index},
- }, nil
- case isIndexTooSmall(err):
- log.Warning("Watch of subnet leases failed because etcd index outside history window")
- return m.leaseWatchReset(ctx, network, sn)
- default:
- return LeaseWatchResult{}, err
- }
-func (m *LocalManager) WatchLeases(ctx context.Context, network string, cursor interface{}) (LeaseWatchResult, error) {
- if cursor == nil {
- return m.leasesWatchReset(ctx, network)
- }
- nextIndex, err := getNextIndex(cursor)
- if err != nil {
- return LeaseWatchResult{}, err
- }
- evt, index, err := m.registry.watchSubnets(ctx, network, nextIndex)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return LeaseWatchResult{
- Events: []Event{evt},
- Cursor: watchCursor{index},
- }, nil
- case isIndexTooSmall(err):
- log.Warning("Watch of subnet leases failed because etcd index outside history window")
- return m.leasesWatchReset(ctx, network)
- default:
- return LeaseWatchResult{}, err
- }
-func (m *LocalManager) WatchNetworks(ctx context.Context, cursor interface{}) (NetworkWatchResult, error) {
- if cursor == nil {
- return m.networkWatchReset(ctx)
- }
- nextIndex, err := getNextIndex(cursor)
- if err != nil {
- return NetworkWatchResult{}, err
- }
- for {
- evt, index, err := m.registry.watchNetworks(ctx, nextIndex)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return NetworkWatchResult{
- Events: []Event{evt},
- Cursor: watchCursor{index},
- }, nil
- case err == errTryAgain:
- nextIndex = index
- case isIndexTooSmall(err):
- log.Warning("Watch of networks failed because etcd index outside history window")
- return m.networkWatchReset(ctx)
- default:
- return NetworkWatchResult{}, err
- }
- }
-func isIndexTooSmall(err error) bool {
- etcdErr, ok := err.(etcd.Error)
- return ok && etcdErr.Code == etcd.ErrorCodeEventIndexCleared
-// leasesWatchReset is called when incremental lease watch failed and we need to grab a snapshot
-func (m *LocalManager) leasesWatchReset(ctx context.Context, network string) (LeaseWatchResult, error) {
- wr := LeaseWatchResult{}
- leases, index, err := m.registry.getSubnets(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return wr, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve subnet leases: %v", err)
- }
- wr.Cursor = watchCursor{index}
- wr.Snapshot = leases
- return wr, nil
-// networkWatchReset is called when incremental network watch failed and we need to grab a snapshot
-func (m *LocalManager) networkWatchReset(ctx context.Context) (NetworkWatchResult, error) {
- wr := NetworkWatchResult{}
- networks, index, err := m.registry.getNetworks(ctx)
- if err != nil {
- return wr, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve networks: %v", err)
- }
- wr.Cursor = watchCursor{index}
- wr.Snapshot = networks
- return wr, nil
-func isSubnetConfigCompat(config *Config, sn ip.IP4Net) bool {
- if sn.IP < config.SubnetMin || sn.IP > config.SubnetMax {
- return false
- }
- return sn.PrefixLen == config.SubnetLen
-func (m *LocalManager) tryAddReservation(ctx context.Context, network string, r *Reservation) error {
- attrs := &LeaseAttrs{
- PublicIP: r.PublicIP,
- }
- _, err := m.registry.createSubnet(ctx, network, r.Subnet, attrs, 0)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return nil
- case !isErrEtcdNodeExist(err):
- return err
- }
- // This subnet or its reservation already exists.
- // Get what's there and
- // - if PublicIP matches, remove the TTL make it a reservation
- // - otherwise, error out
- sub, asof, err := m.registry.getSubnet(ctx, network, r.Subnet)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- case isErrEtcdKeyNotFound(err):
- // Subnet just got expired or was deleted
- return errTryAgain
- default:
- return err
- }
- if sub.Attrs.PublicIP != r.PublicIP {
- // Subnet already taken
- return ErrLeaseTaken
- }
- // remove TTL
- _, err = m.registry.updateSubnet(ctx, network, r.Subnet, &sub.Attrs, 0, asof)
- if isErrEtcdTestFailed(err) {
- return errTryAgain
- }
- return err
-func (m *LocalManager) AddReservation(ctx context.Context, network string, r *Reservation) error {
- config, err := m.GetNetworkConfig(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if config.SubnetLen != r.Subnet.PrefixLen {
- return fmt.Errorf("reservation subnet has mask incompatible with network config")
- }
- if !config.Network.Overlaps(r.Subnet) {
- return fmt.Errorf("reservation subnet is outside of flannel network")
- }
- for i := 0; i < raceRetries; i++ {
- err := m.tryAddReservation(ctx, network, r)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return nil
- case err == errTryAgain:
- continue
- default:
- return err
- }
- }
- return ErrNoMoreTries
-func (m *LocalManager) tryRemoveReservation(ctx context.Context, network string, subnet ip.IP4Net) error {
- sub, asof, err := m.registry.getSubnet(ctx, network, subnet)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // add back the TTL
- _, err = m.registry.updateSubnet(ctx, network, subnet, &sub.Attrs, subnetTTL, asof)
- if isErrEtcdTestFailed(err) {
- return errTryAgain
- }
- return err
-//RemoveReservation removes the subnet by setting TTL back to subnetTTL (24hours)
-func (m *LocalManager) RemoveReservation(ctx context.Context, network string, subnet ip.IP4Net) error {
- for i := 0; i < raceRetries; i++ {
- err := m.tryRemoveReservation(ctx, network, subnet)
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return nil
- case err == errTryAgain:
- continue
- default:
- return err
- }
- }
- return ErrNoMoreTries
-func (m *LocalManager) ListReservations(ctx context.Context, network string) ([]Reservation, error) {
- subnets, _, err := m.registry.getSubnets(ctx, network)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- rsvs := []Reservation{}
- for _, sub := range subnets {
- // Reservations don't have TTL and so no expiration
- if !sub.Expiration.IsZero() {
- continue
- }
- r := Reservation{
- Subnet: sub.Subnet,
- PublicIP: sub.Attrs.PublicIP,
- }
- rsvs = append(rsvs, r)
- }
- return rsvs, nil
-func (m *LocalManager) CreateBackendData(ctx context.Context, network, data string) error {
- err := m.registry.createBackendData(ctx, network, data)
- if err == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if etcdErr, ok := err.(etcd.Error); ok && etcdErr.Code == etcd.ErrorCodeNodeExist {
- return nil
- }
- return err
-func (m *LocalManager) GetBackendData(ctx context.Context, network string) (string, error) {
- return m.registry.getBackendData(ctx, network)