@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+package godotenv
+import (
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+var noopPresets = make(map[string]string)
+func parseAndCompare(t *testing.T, rawEnvLine string, expectedKey string, expectedValue string) {
+ key, value, _ := parseLine(rawEnvLine)
+ if key != expectedKey || value != expectedValue {
+ t.Errorf("Expected '%v' to parse as '%v' => '%v', got '%v' => '%v' instead", rawEnvLine, expectedKey, expectedValue, key, value)
+ }
+func loadEnvAndCompareValues(t *testing.T, loader func(files ...string) error, envFileName string, expectedValues map[string]string, presets map[string]string) {
+ // first up, clear the env
+ os.Clearenv()
+ for k, v := range presets {
+ os.Setenv(k, v)
+ }
+ err := loader(envFileName)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Error loading %v", envFileName)
+ }
+ for k := range expectedValues {
+ envValue := os.Getenv(k)
+ v := expectedValues[k]
+ if envValue != v {
+ t.Errorf("Mismatch for key '%v': expected '%v' got '%v'", k, v, envValue)
+ }
+ }
+func TestLoadWithNoArgsLoadsDotEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ err := Load()
+ pathError := err.(*os.PathError)
+ if pathError == nil || pathError.Op != "open" || pathError.Path != ".env" {
+ t.Errorf("Didn't try and open .env by default")
+ }
+func TestOverloadWithNoArgsOverloadsDotEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ err := Overload()
+ pathError := err.(*os.PathError)
+ if pathError == nil || pathError.Op != "open" || pathError.Path != ".env" {
+ t.Errorf("Didn't try and open .env by default")
+ }
+func TestLoadFileNotFound(t *testing.T) {
+ err := Load("somefilethatwillneverexistever.env")
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Error("File wasn't found but Load didn't return an error")
+ }
+func TestOverloadFileNotFound(t *testing.T) {
+ err := Overload("somefilethatwillneverexistever.env")
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Error("File wasn't found but Overload didn't return an error")
+ }
+func TestReadPlainEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/plain.env"
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "1",
+ "OPTION_B": "2",
+ "OPTION_C": "3",
+ "OPTION_D": "4",
+ "OPTION_E": "5",
+ }
+ envMap, err := Read(envFileName)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error("Error reading file")
+ }
+ if len(envMap) != len(expectedValues) {
+ t.Error("Didn't get the right size map back")
+ }
+ for key, value := range expectedValues {
+ if envMap[key] != value {
+ t.Error("Read got one of the keys wrong")
+ }
+ }
+func TestLoadDoesNotOverride(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/plain.env"
+ // ensure NO overload
+ presets := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "do_not_override",
+ }
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "do_not_override",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Load, envFileName, expectedValues, presets)
+func TestOveroadDoesOverride(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/plain.env"
+ // ensure NO overload
+ presets := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "do_not_override",
+ }
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "1",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Overload, envFileName, expectedValues, presets)
+func TestLoadPlainEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/plain.env"
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "1",
+ "OPTION_B": "2",
+ "OPTION_C": "3",
+ "OPTION_D": "4",
+ "OPTION_E": "5",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Load, envFileName, expectedValues, noopPresets)
+func TestLoadExportedEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/exported.env"
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "2",
+ "OPTION_B": "\n",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Load, envFileName, expectedValues, noopPresets)
+func TestLoadEqualsEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/equals.env"
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "postgres://localhost:5432/database?sslmode=disable",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Load, envFileName, expectedValues, noopPresets)
+func TestLoadQuotedEnv(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/quoted.env"
+ expectedValues := map[string]string{
+ "OPTION_A": "1",
+ "OPTION_B": "2",
+ "OPTION_C": "",
+ "OPTION_D": "\n",
+ "OPTION_E": "1",
+ "OPTION_F": "2",
+ "OPTION_G": "",
+ "OPTION_H": "\n",
+ }
+ loadEnvAndCompareValues(t, Load, envFileName, expectedValues, noopPresets)
+func TestActualEnvVarsAreLeftAlone(t *testing.T) {
+ os.Clearenv()
+ os.Setenv("OPTION_A", "actualenv")
+ _ = Load("fixtures/plain.env")
+ if os.Getenv("OPTION_A") != "actualenv" {
+ t.Error("An ENV var set earlier was overwritten")
+ }
+func TestParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ // unquoted values
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=bar", "FOO", "bar")
+ // parses values with spaces around equal sign
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO =bar", "FOO", "bar")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO= bar", "FOO", "bar")
+ // parses double quoted values
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=\"bar\"", "FOO", "bar")
+ // parses single quoted values
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO='bar'", "FOO", "bar")
+ // parses escaped double quotes
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=escaped\\\"bar\"", "FOO", "escaped\"bar")
+ // parses yaml style options
+ parseAndCompare(t, "OPTION_A: 1", "OPTION_A", "1")
+ // parses export keyword
+ parseAndCompare(t, "export OPTION_A=2", "OPTION_A", "2")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "export OPTION_B='\\n'", "OPTION_B", "\n")
+ // it 'expands newlines in quoted strings' do
+ // expect(env('FOO="bar\nbaz"')).to eql('FOO' => "bar\nbaz")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=\"bar\\nbaz\"", "FOO", "bar\nbaz")
+ // it 'parses varibales with "." in the name' do
+ // expect(env('FOO.BAR=foobar')).to eql('FOO.BAR' => 'foobar')
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO.BAR=foobar", "FOO.BAR", "foobar")
+ // it 'parses varibales with several "=" in the value' do
+ // expect(env('FOO=foobar=')).to eql('FOO' => 'foobar=')
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=foobar=", "FOO", "foobar=")
+ // it 'strips unquoted values' do
+ // expect(env('foo=bar ')).to eql('foo' => 'bar') # not 'bar '
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=bar ", "FOO", "bar")
+ // it 'ignores inline comments' do
+ // expect(env("foo=bar # this is foo")).to eql('foo' => 'bar')
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=bar # this is foo", "FOO", "bar")
+ // it 'allows # in quoted value' do
+ // expect(env('foo="bar#baz" # comment')).to eql('foo' => 'bar#baz')
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=\"bar#baz\" # comment", "FOO", "bar#baz")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO='bar#baz' # comment", "FOO", "bar#baz")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=\"bar#baz#bang\" # comment", "FOO", "bar#baz#bang")
+ // it 'parses # in quoted values' do
+ // expect(env('foo="ba#r"')).to eql('foo' => 'ba#r')
+ // expect(env("foo='ba#r'")).to eql('foo' => 'ba#r')
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO=\"ba#r\"", "FOO", "ba#r")
+ parseAndCompare(t, "FOO='ba#r'", "FOO", "ba#r")
+ // it 'throws an error if line format is incorrect' do
+ // expect{env('lol$wut')}.to raise_error(Dotenv::FormatError)
+ badlyFormattedLine := "lol$wut"
+ _, _, err := parseLine(badlyFormattedLine)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected \"%v\" to return error, but it didn't", badlyFormattedLine)
+ }
+func TestLinesToIgnore(t *testing.T) {
+ // it 'ignores empty lines' do
+ // expect(env("\n \t \nfoo=bar\n \nfizz=buzz")).to eql('foo' => 'bar', 'fizz' => 'buzz')
+ if !isIgnoredLine("\n") {
+ t.Error("Line with nothing but line break wasn't ignored")
+ }
+ if !isIgnoredLine("\t\t ") {
+ t.Error("Line full of whitespace wasn't ignored")
+ }
+ // it 'ignores comment lines' do
+ // expect(env("\n\n\n # HERE GOES FOO \nfoo=bar")).to eql('foo' => 'bar')
+ if !isIgnoredLine("# comment") {
+ t.Error("Comment wasn't ignored")
+ }
+ if !isIgnoredLine("\t#comment") {
+ t.Error("Indented comment wasn't ignored")
+ }
+ // make sure we're not getting false positives
+ if isIgnoredLine("export OPTION_B='\\n'") {
+ t.Error("ignoring a perfectly valid line to parse")
+ }
+func TestErrorReadDirectory(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/"
+ envMap, err := Read(envFileName)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected error, got %v", envMap)
+ }
+func TestErrorParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ envFileName := "fixtures/invalid1.env"
+ envMap, err := Read(envFileName)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected error, got %v", envMap)
+ }