@@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ import (
- "time"
log "github.com/coreos/flannel/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/golang/glog"
- "github.com/coreos/flannel/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/vishvananda/netlink/nl"
@@ -60,9 +58,7 @@ func newVXLANDevice(devAttrs *vxlanDeviceAttrs) (*vxlanDevice, error) {
VtepDevIndex: devAttrs.vtepIndex,
SrcAddr: devAttrs.vtepAddr,
Port: devAttrs.vtepPort,
- Learning: true,
- Proxy: true,
- L2miss: true,
+ Learning: false,
link, err := ensureLink(link)
@@ -70,10 +66,6 @@ func newVXLANDevice(devAttrs *vxlanDeviceAttrs) (*vxlanDevice, error) {
return nil, err
- // this enables ARP requests being sent to userspace via netlink
- sysctlPath := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/%s/app_solicit", devAttrs.name)
- sysctlSet(sysctlPath, "3")
return &vxlanDevice{
link: link,
}, nil
@@ -153,94 +145,75 @@ func (dev *vxlanDevice) MTU() int {
return dev.link.MTU
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) MonitorMisses(misses chan *netlink.Neigh) {
- nlsock, err := nl.Subscribe(syscall.NETLINK_ROUTE, syscall.RTNLGRP_NEIGH)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Failed to subscribe to netlink RTNLGRP_NEIGH messages")
- return
- }
- for {
- msgs, err := nlsock.Receive()
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("Failed to receive from netlink: %v ", err)
- // wait 1 sec before retrying but honor the cancel channel
- time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
- continue
- }
- for _, msg := range msgs {
- dev.processNeighMsg(msg, misses)
- }
- }
-func isNeighResolving(state int) bool {
- return (state & (netlink.NUD_INCOMPLETE | netlink.NUD_STALE | netlink.NUD_DELAY | netlink.NUD_PROBE)) != 0
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) processNeighMsg(msg syscall.NetlinkMessage, misses chan *netlink.Neigh) {
- neigh, err := netlink.NeighDeserialize(msg.Data)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Failed to deserialize netlink ndmsg: %v", err)
- return
- }
- if int(neigh.LinkIndex) != dev.link.Index {
- return
- }
- if msg.Header.Type != syscall.RTM_GETNEIGH && msg.Header.Type != syscall.RTM_NEWNEIGH {
- return
- }
- if !isNeighResolving(neigh.State) {
- // misses come with NUD_STALE bit set
- return
- }
- misses <- neigh
+type neigh struct {
+ MAC net.HardwareAddr
+ IP ip.IP4
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddL2(mac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP) error {
- neigh := netlink.Neigh{
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddL2(n neigh) error {
+ log.Infof("calling NeighAdd: %v, %v", n.IP, n.MAC)
+ return netlink.NeighAdd(&netlink.Neigh{
LinkIndex: dev.link.Index,
- State: netlink.NUD_REACHABLE,
+ State: netlink.NUD_PERMANENT,
Family: syscall.AF_BRIDGE,
Flags: netlink.NTF_SELF,
- IP: vtep,
- HardwareAddr: mac,
- }
- log.Infof("calling NeighAdd: %v, %v", vtep, mac)
- return netlink.NeighAdd(&neigh)
+ IP: n.IP.ToIP(),
+ HardwareAddr: n.MAC,
+ })
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) DelL2(mac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP) error {
- neigh := netlink.Neigh{
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) DelL2(n neigh) error {
+ log.Infof("calling NeighDel: %v, %v", n.IP, n.MAC)
+ return netlink.NeighDel(&netlink.Neigh{
LinkIndex: dev.link.Index,
Family: syscall.AF_BRIDGE,
Flags: netlink.NTF_SELF,
- IP: vtep,
- HardwareAddr: mac,
- }
+ IP: n.IP.ToIP(),
+ HardwareAddr: n.MAC,
+ })
- log.Infof("calling NeighDel: %v, %v", vtep, mac)
- return netlink.NeighDel(&neigh)
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddL3(n neigh) error {
+ log.Infof("calling NeighSet: %v, %v", n.IP, n.MAC)
+ return netlink.NeighSet(&netlink.Neigh{
+ LinkIndex: dev.link.Index,
+ State: netlink.NUD_PERMANENT,
+ Type: syscall.RTN_UNICAST,
+ IP: n.IP.ToIP(),
+ HardwareAddr: n.MAC,
+ })
-func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddL3(ip net.IP, mac net.HardwareAddr) error {
- neigh := netlink.Neigh{
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) DelL3(n neigh) error {
+ log.Infof("calling NeighDel: %v, %v", n.IP, n.MAC)
+ return netlink.NeighDel(&netlink.Neigh{
LinkIndex: dev.link.Index,
- State: netlink.NUD_REACHABLE,
+ State: netlink.NUD_PERMANENT,
Type: syscall.RTN_UNICAST,
- IP: ip,
- HardwareAddr: mac,
+ IP: n.IP.ToIP(),
+ HardwareAddr: n.MAC,
+ })
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) AddRoute(subnet ip.IP4Net) error {
+ route := &netlink.Route{
+ Scope: netlink.SCOPE_UNIVERSE,
+ Dst: subnet.ToIPNet(),
+ Gw: subnet.IP.ToIP(),
- log.Infof("calling NeighSet: %v, %v", ip, mac)
- return netlink.NeighSet(&neigh)
+ log.Infof("calling RouteAdd: %s", subnet)
+ return netlink.RouteAdd(route)
+func (dev *vxlanDevice) DelRoute(subnet ip.IP4Net) error {
+ route := &netlink.Route{
+ Scope: netlink.SCOPE_UNIVERSE,
+ Dst: subnet.ToIPNet(),
+ Gw: subnet.IP.ToIP(),
+ }
+ log.Infof("calling RouteDel: %s", subnet)
+ return netlink.RouteDel(route)
func vxlanLinksIncompat(l1, l2 netlink.Link) string {