@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+// Copyright 2015 flannel authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package subnet
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ etcd "github.com/coreos/flannel/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/coreos/etcd/client"
+ "github.com/coreos/flannel/Godeps/_workspace/src/golang.org/x/net/context"
+const DEFAULT_TTL time.Duration = 8760 * time.Hour // one year
+type mockEtcd struct {
+ nodes map[string]*etcd.Node
+ watchers map[*watcher]*watcher
+ // A given number of past events must be available for watchers, because
+ // flannel always uses a new watcher instead of re-using old ones, and
+ // the new watcher's index may be slightly in the past
+ events []*etcd.Response
+ index uint64
+func newMockEtcd() *mockEtcd {
+ me := &mockEtcd{
+ index: 1000,
+ nodes: make(map[string]*etcd.Node),
+ watchers: make(map[*watcher]*watcher),
+ events: make([]*etcd.Response, 0, 50),
+ }
+ me.nodes["/"] = me.newNode("/", "", true)
+ return me
+func (me *mockEtcd) newNode(key, value string, dir bool) *etcd.Node {
+ exp := time.Now().Add(DEFAULT_TTL)
+ if dir {
+ value = ""
+ }
+ return &etcd.Node{
+ Key: key,
+ Value: value,
+ CreatedIndex: me.index,
+ ModifiedIndex: me.index,
+ Dir: dir,
+ Expiration: &exp,
+ Nodes: make([]*etcd.Node, 0, 20)}
+func (me *mockEtcd) newError(code int, format string, args ...interface{}) etcd.Error {
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
+ return etcd.Error{
+ Code: code,
+ Message: msg,
+ Cause: "",
+ Index: me.index,
+ }
+func (me *mockEtcd) getKeyPath(key string) ([]string, error) {
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "/") {
+ return []string{}, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound, "Invalid key %s", key)
+ }
+ // Build up a list of each intermediate key's path
+ path := []string{""}
+ for i, p := range strings.Split(strings.Trim(key, "/"), "/") {
+ if p == "" {
+ return []string{}, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound, "Invalid key %s", key)
+ }
+ path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path[i], p))
+ }
+ return path[1:], nil
+// Returns the node and its parent respectively. Returns a nil node (but not
+// an error) if the requested node doest not exist.
+func (me *mockEtcd) findNode(key string) (*etcd.Node, *etcd.Node, error) {
+ if key == "/" {
+ return me.nodes["/"], nil, nil
+ }
+ path, err := me.getKeyPath(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, err
+ }
+ var node *etcd.Node
+ var parent *etcd.Node
+ var ok bool
+ for i, part := range path {
+ parent = node
+ node, ok = me.nodes[part]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, nil, nil
+ }
+ // intermediates must be directories
+ if i < len(path)-1 && node.Dir != true {
+ return nil, nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNotDir, "Intermediate node %s not a directory", part)
+ }
+ }
+ return node, parent, nil
+// Returns whether @child is a child of @node, and whether it is an immediate child respsectively
+func isChild(node *etcd.Node, child *etcd.Node) (bool, bool) {
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(child.Key, fmt.Sprintf("%s/", node.Key)) {
+ return false, false
+ }
+ nodeParts := strings.Split(node.Key, "/")
+ childParts := strings.Split(child.Key, "/")
+ return true, len(childParts) == len(nodeParts)+1
+func (me *mockEtcd) copyNode(node *etcd.Node, recursive bool) *etcd.Node {
+ n := *node
+ n.Nodes = make([]*etcd.Node, 0)
+ if recursive {
+ for _, child := range me.nodes {
+ if _, directChild := isChild(node, child); directChild {
+ n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, me.copyNode(child, true))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &n
+func (me *mockEtcd) Get(ctx context.Context, key string, opts *etcd.GetOptions) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ node, _, err := me.findNode(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if node == nil {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound, "Key %s not found", key)
+ }
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &etcd.GetOptions{}
+ }
+ return &etcd.Response{
+ Action: "get",
+ Node: me.copyNode(node, opts.Recursive),
+ Index: me.index,
+ }, nil
+func (me *mockEtcd) sendEvent(resp *etcd.Response) {
+ // Add to history log
+ if len(me.events) == cap(me.events) {
+ me.events = me.events[1:]
+ }
+ me.events = append(me.events, resp)
+ // and notify watchers
+ for w := range me.watchers {
+ w.notifyEvent(resp)
+ }
+// Returns the node created and its creation response
+// Don't need to check for intermediate directories here as that was already done
+// by the thing calling makeNode()
+func (me *mockEtcd) makeNode(path []string, value string, isDir bool, ttl time.Duration) (*etcd.Node, *etcd.Response, error) {
+ var child *etcd.Node
+ var resp *etcd.Response
+ var ok bool
+ node := me.nodes["/"]
+ for i, part := range path {
+ node, ok = me.nodes[part]
+ if !ok {
+ me.index += 1
+ if i < len(path)-1 {
+ // intermediate node
+ child = me.newNode(part, "", true)
+ } else {
+ // Final node
+ exp := time.Now().Add(ttl)
+ child = me.newNode(part, value, isDir)
+ child.Expiration = &exp
+ resp = &etcd.Response{
+ Action: "create",
+ Node: me.copyNode(child, false),
+ Index: child.CreatedIndex,
+ }
+ me.sendEvent(resp)
+ }
+ me.nodes[child.Key] = child
+ node = child
+ }
+ }
+ return node, resp, nil
+func (me *mockEtcd) set(ctx context.Context, key, value string, opts *etcd.SetOptions, action string) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ node, _, err := me.findNode(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if opts.PrevExist == etcd.PrevExist && node == nil {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound, "Key %s not found", key)
+ } else if opts.PrevExist == etcd.PrevNoExist && node != nil {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNodeExist, "Key %s already exists", key)
+ }
+ if opts.Dir {
+ value = ""
+ }
+ var resp *etcd.Response
+ if node != nil {
+ if opts.PrevIndex > 0 && opts.PrevIndex < node.ModifiedIndex {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeTestFailed, "Key %s PrevIndex %s less than node ModifiedIndex %d", key, opts.PrevIndex, node.ModifiedIndex)
+ }
+ if opts.Dir != node.Dir {
+ if opts.Dir == true {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNotDir, "Key %s is not a directory", key)
+ } else {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNotFile, "Key %s is not a file", key)
+ }
+ }
+ if opts.PrevValue != "" && opts.PrevValue != node.Value {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeTestFailed, "Key %s PrevValue did not match", key)
+ }
+ prevNode := me.copyNode(node, false)
+ node.Value = value
+ me.index += 1
+ node.ModifiedIndex = me.index
+ if opts.TTL > 0 {
+ exp := time.Now().Add(opts.TTL)
+ node.Expiration = &exp
+ }
+ resp = &etcd.Response{
+ Action: action,
+ Node: me.copyNode(node, false),
+ PrevNode: prevNode,
+ Index: me.index,
+ }
+ me.sendEvent(resp)
+ } else {
+ // Create the node and its parents
+ path, err := me.getKeyPath(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ _, resp, err = me.makeNode(path, value, opts.Dir, opts.TTL)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+func (me *mockEtcd) Set(ctx context.Context, key, value string, opts *etcd.SetOptions) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ return me.set(ctx, key, value, opts, "set")
+// Removes a node and all children
+func (me *mockEtcd) deleteNode(node *etcd.Node, parent *etcd.Node, recursive bool) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ for _, child := range me.nodes {
+ if isChild, directChild := isChild(node, child); isChild {
+ if recursive == false {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeDirNotEmpty, "Key %s not empty", node.Key)
+ }
+ if directChild {
+ me.deleteNode(child, node, true)
+ me.index += 1
+ node.ModifiedIndex = me.index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ me.index += 1
+ resp := &etcd.Response{
+ Action: "delete",
+ Node: me.copyNode(node, false),
+ Index: me.index,
+ }
+ me.sendEvent(resp)
+ delete(me.nodes, node.Key)
+ return resp, nil
+func (me *mockEtcd) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string, opts *etcd.DeleteOptions) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ node, parent, err := me.findNode(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if node == nil {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound, "Key %s not found", key)
+ }
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &etcd.DeleteOptions{}
+ }
+ if opts.PrevIndex > 0 && opts.PrevIndex < node.ModifiedIndex {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeTestFailed, "Key %s PrevIndex %s less than node ModifiedIndex %d", key, opts.PrevIndex, node.ModifiedIndex)
+ }
+ if opts.PrevValue != "" && opts.PrevValue != node.Value {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeTestFailed, "Key %s PrevValue did not match", key)
+ }
+ if opts.Dir != node.Dir {
+ if opts.Dir == true {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNotDir, "Key %s is not a directory", key)
+ } else {
+ return nil, me.newError(etcd.ErrorCodeNotFile, "Key %s is not a file", key)
+ }
+ }
+ return me.deleteNode(node, parent, opts.Recursive)
+func (me *mockEtcd) Create(ctx context.Context, key, value string) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ return me.set(ctx, key, value, &etcd.SetOptions{PrevExist: etcd.PrevNoExist}, "create")
+func (me *mockEtcd) CreateInOrder(ctx context.Context, dir, value string, opts *etcd.CreateInOrderOptions) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("Not implemented!"))
+func (me *mockEtcd) Update(ctx context.Context, key, value string) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ return me.set(ctx, key, value, &etcd.SetOptions{PrevExist: etcd.PrevExist}, "update")
+type watcher struct {
+ parent *mockEtcd
+ key string
+ childMatch string
+ events chan *etcd.Response
+ after uint64
+ recursive bool
+func (me *mockEtcd) Watcher(key string, opts *etcd.WatcherOptions) etcd.Watcher {
+ watcher := &watcher{
+ parent: me,
+ key: key,
+ childMatch: fmt.Sprintf("%s/", key),
+ events: make(chan *etcd.Response, 25),
+ recursive: opts.Recursive,
+ }
+ if opts.AfterIndex > 0 {
+ watcher.after = opts.AfterIndex
+ }
+ return watcher
+func (w *watcher) shouldGrabEvent(resp *etcd.Response) bool {
+ return (resp.Index > w.after) && ((resp.Node.Key == w.key) || (w.recursive && strings.HasPrefix(resp.Node.Key, w.childMatch)))
+func (w *watcher) notifyEvent(resp *etcd.Response) {
+ if w.shouldGrabEvent(resp) {
+ w.events <- resp
+ }
+func (w *watcher) Next(ctx context.Context) (*etcd.Response, error) {
+ // If the event is already in the history log return it from there
+ for _, e := range w.parent.events {
+ if e.Index > w.after && w.shouldGrabEvent(e) {
+ w.after = e.Index
+ return e, nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Watch must handle adding and removing itself from the parent when
+ // it's done to ensure it can be garbage collected correctly
+ w.parent.watchers[w] = w
+ // Otherwise wait for new events
+ for {
+ select {
+ case e := <-w.events:
+ // Might have already been grabbed through the history log
+ if e.Index <= w.after {
+ continue
+ }
+ w.after = e.Index
+ delete(w.parent.watchers, w)
+ return e, nil
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ delete(w.parent.watchers, w)
+ return nil, context.Canceled
+ }
+ }