@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ bash_unit:
rm -f dist/flanneld*
- rm -f dist/*.aci
rm -f dist/*.docker
rm -f dist/*.tar.gz
@@ -110,14 +109,6 @@ dist/flanneld-e2e-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).docker:
mv dist/flanneld dist/flanneld-$(ARCH)'
docker build -f Dockerfile.$(ARCH) -t $(REGISTRY):$(TAG)-$(ARCH) .
-## Create an ACI on disk for a specific arch and tag
-dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).aci: dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).docker
- docker2aci dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).docker
- mv quay.io-coreos-flannel-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).aci dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).aci
- actool patch-manifest --replace --capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN \
- --mounts=run-flannel,path=/run/flannel,readOnly=false:etc-ssl-etcd,path=/etc/ssl/etcd,readOnly=true:dev-net,path=/dev/net,readOnly=false \
- dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).aci
docker-push: dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-$(ARCH).docker
docker push $(REGISTRY):$(TAG)-$(ARCH)
@@ -182,13 +173,13 @@ tar.gz:
## Make a release after creating a tag
release: tar.gz release-tests
- ARCH=amd64 make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-amd64.aci
- ARCH=arm make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-arm.aci
- ARCH=arm64 make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-arm64.aci
- ARCH=ppc64le make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-ppc64le.aci
- ARCH=s390x make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-s390x.aci
+ ARCH=amd64 make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-amd64.docker
+ ARCH=arm make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-arm.docker
+ ARCH=arm64 make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-arm64.docker
+ ARCH=ppc64le make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-ppc64le.docker
+ ARCH=s390x make dist/flanneld-$(TAG)-s390x.docker
@echo "Everything should be built for $(TAG)"
- @echo "Add all *.aci, flanneld-* and *.tar.gz files from dist/ to the Github release"
+ @echo "Add all flanneld-* and *.tar.gz files from dist/ to the Github release"
@echo "Use make docker-push-all to push the images to a registry"
release-tests: bash_unit