// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CMD_DEFINE #include "proxy_amd64.h" struct ip_net { in_addr_t ip; in_addr_t mask; }; struct route_entry { struct ip_net dst; struct sockaddr_in next_hop; }; typedef struct icmp_pkt { struct iphdr iph; struct icmphdr icmph; /* dest unreachable must include IP hdr 8 bytes of upper layer proto * of the original packet. */ char data[sizeof(struct iphdr) + MAX_IPOPTLEN + 8]; } __attribute__ ((aligned (4))) icmp_pkt; /* we calc hdr checksums using 32bit uints that can alias other types */ typedef uint32_t __attribute__((__may_alias__)) aliasing_uint32_t; struct route_entry *routes; size_t routes_alloc; size_t routes_cnt; in_addr_t tun_addr; int log_enabled; int exit_flag; static inline in_addr_t netmask(int prefix_len) { return htonl(~((uint32_t)0) << (32 - prefix_len)); } static inline int contains(struct ip_net net, in_addr_t ip) { return net.ip == (ip & net.mask); } static void log_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if( log_enabled ) { va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } } /* fast version -- only works with mults of 4 bytes */ static uint16_t cksum(aliasing_uint32_t *buf, int len) { uint32_t sum = 0; uint16_t t1, t2; for( ; len > 0; len-- ) { uint32_t s = *buf++; sum += s; if( sum < s ) sum++; } /* Fold down to 16 bits */ t1 = sum; t2 = sum >> 16; t1 += t2; if( t1 < t2 ) t1++; return ~t1; } static void send_net_unreachable(int tun, char *offender) { icmp_pkt pkt; int off_iph_len; struct iphdr *off_iph = (struct iphdr *)offender; size_t pktlen, nsent; off_iph_len = off_iph->ihl * 4; if( off_iph_len >= sizeof(struct iphdr) + MAX_IPOPTLEN ) { log_error("not sending net unreachable: mulformed ip pkt: iph=%d\n", (int)off_iph_len); return; /* ip pkt mulformed */ } if( off_iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP ) { /* To avoid infinite loops, RFC 792 instructs not to send ICMPs * about ICMPs */ return; } /* Lower 3 bits (in network order) of frag_off is actually flags */ if( (off_iph->frag_off & htons(0x1FFF)) != 0 ) { /* ICMP messages are only sent for first fragemnt */ return; } pktlen = sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr) + off_iph_len + 8; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); /* Fill in the IP header */ pkt.iph.ihl = sizeof(struct iphdr) / 4; pkt.iph.version = IPVERSION; pkt.iph.tot_len = htons(pktlen); pkt.iph.ttl = 8; pkt.iph.protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; pkt.iph.saddr = tun_addr; pkt.iph.daddr = off_iph->saddr; pkt.iph.check = cksum((aliasing_uint32_t*) &pkt.iph, sizeof(struct iphdr) / sizeof(aliasing_uint32_t)); /* Fill in the ICMP header */ pkt.icmph.type = ICMP_DEST_UNREACH; pkt.icmph.code = ICMP_NET_UNREACH; /* Copy the offenders IP hdr + first 8 bytes of IP payload */ memcpy(pkt.data, offender, off_iph_len + 8); /* Compute the checksum over the ICMP header and data */ pkt.icmph.checksum = cksum((aliasing_uint32_t*) &pkt.icmph, (sizeof(struct icmphdr) + off_iph_len + 8) / sizeof(aliasing_uint32_t)); /* Kick it back */ nsent = write(tun, &pkt, pktlen); if( nsent < 0 ) { log_error("failed to send ICMP net unreachable: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else if( nsent != pktlen ) { log_error("failed to send ICMP net unreachable: only %d out of %d byte sent\n", (int)nsent, (int)pktlen); } } static int set_route(struct ip_net dst, struct sockaddr_in *next_hop) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < routes_cnt; i++ ) { if( dst.ip == routes[i].dst.ip && dst.mask == routes[i].dst.mask ) { routes[i].next_hop = *next_hop; return 0; } } if( routes_alloc == routes_cnt ) { int new_alloc = (routes_alloc ? 2*routes_alloc : 8); struct route_entry *new_routes = (struct route_entry *) realloc(routes, new_alloc*sizeof(struct route_entry)); if( !new_routes ) return ENOMEM; routes = new_routes; routes_alloc = new_alloc; } routes[routes_cnt].dst = dst; routes[routes_cnt].next_hop = *next_hop; routes_cnt++; return 0; } static int del_route(struct ip_net dst) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < routes_cnt; i++ ) { if( dst.ip == routes[i].dst.ip && dst.mask == routes[i].dst.mask ) { routes[i] = routes[routes_cnt-1]; routes_cnt--; return 0; } } return ENOENT; } static struct sockaddr_in *find_route(in_addr_t dst) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < routes_cnt; i++ ) { if( contains(routes[i].dst, dst) ) { // packets for same dest tend to come in bursts. swap to front make it faster for subsequent ones if( i != 0 ) { struct route_entry tmp = routes[i]; routes[i] = routes[0]; routes[0] = tmp; } return &routes[0].next_hop; } } return NULL; } static char *inaddr_str(in_addr_t a, char *buf, size_t len) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = a; strncpy(buf, inet_ntoa(addr), len); buf[len-1] = '\0'; return buf; } static ssize_t tun_recv_packet(int tun, char *buf, size_t buflen) { ssize_t nread = read(tun, buf, buflen); if( nread < sizeof(struct iphdr) ) { if( nread < 0 ) { if( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) log_error("TUN recv failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { log_error("TUN recv packet too small: %d bytes\n", (int)nread); } return -1; } return nread; } static ssize_t sock_recv_packet(int sock, char *buf, size_t buflen) { ssize_t nread = recv(sock, buf, buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT); if( nread < sizeof(struct iphdr) ) { if( nread < 0 ) { if( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) log_error("UDP recv failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { log_error("UDP recv packet too small: %d bytes\n", (int)nread); } return -1; } return nread; } static void sock_send_packet(int sock, char *pkt, size_t pktlen, struct sockaddr_in *dst) { ssize_t nsent = sendto(sock, pkt, pktlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)dst, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if( nsent != pktlen ) { if( nsent < 0 ) { log_error("UDP send to %s:%hu failed: %s\n", inet_ntoa(dst->sin_addr), ntohs(dst->sin_port), strerror(errno)); } else { log_error("Was only able to send %d out of %d bytes to %s:%hu\n", (int)nsent, (int)pktlen, inet_ntoa(dst->sin_addr), ntohs(dst->sin_port)); } } } static void tun_send_packet(int tun, char *pkt, size_t pktlen) { ssize_t nsent; _retry: nsent = write(tun, pkt, pktlen); if( nsent != pktlen ) { if( nsent < 0 ) { if( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) goto _retry; log_error("TUN send failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { log_error("Was only able to send %d out of %d bytes to TUN\n", (int)nsent, (int)pktlen); } } } inline static int decrement_ttl(struct iphdr *iph) { if( --(iph->ttl) == 0 ) { char saddr[32], daddr[32]; log_error("Discarding IP fragment %s -> %s due to zero TTL\n", inaddr_str(iph->saddr, saddr, sizeof(saddr)), inaddr_str(iph->daddr, daddr, sizeof(daddr))); return 0; } /* patch up IP checksum (see RFC 1624) */ if( iph->check >= htons(0xFFFFu - 0x100) ) { iph->check += htons(0x100) + 1; } else { iph->check += htons(0x100); } return 1; } static int tun_to_udp(int tun, int sock, char *buf, size_t buflen) { struct iphdr *iph; struct sockaddr_in *next_hop; ssize_t pktlen = tun_recv_packet(tun, buf, buflen); if( pktlen < 0 ) return 0; iph = (struct iphdr *)buf; next_hop = find_route((in_addr_t) iph->daddr); if( !next_hop ) { send_net_unreachable(tun, buf); goto _active; } if( !decrement_ttl(iph) ) { /* TTL went to 0, discard. * TODO: send back ICMP Time Exceeded */ goto _active; } sock_send_packet(sock, buf, pktlen, next_hop); _active: return 1; } static int udp_to_tun(int sock, int tun, char *buf, size_t buflen) { struct iphdr *iph; ssize_t pktlen = sock_recv_packet(sock, buf, buflen); if( pktlen < 0 ) return 0; iph = (struct iphdr *)buf; if( !decrement_ttl(iph) ) { /* TTL went to 0, discard. * TODO: send back ICMP Time Exceeded */ goto _active; } tun_send_packet(tun, buf, pktlen); _active: return 1; } static void process_cmd(int ctl) { struct command cmd; struct ip_net ipn; struct sockaddr_in sa = { .sin_family = AF_INET }; ssize_t nrecv = recv(ctl, (char *) &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0); if( nrecv < 0 ) { log_error("CTL recv failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } if( cmd.cmd == CMD_SET_ROUTE ) { ipn.mask = netmask(cmd.dest_net_len); ipn.ip = cmd.dest_net & ipn.mask; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = cmd.next_hop_ip; sa.sin_port = htons(cmd.next_hop_port); set_route(ipn, &sa); } else if( cmd.cmd == CMD_DEL_ROUTE ) { ipn.mask = netmask(cmd.dest_net_len); ipn.ip = cmd.dest_net & ipn.mask; del_route(ipn); } else if( cmd.cmd == CMD_STOP ) { exit_flag = 1; } } enum PFD { PFD_TUN = 0, PFD_SOCK, PFD_CTL, PFD_CNT }; void run_proxy(int tun, int sock, int ctl, in_addr_t tun_ip, size_t tun_mtu, int log_errors) { char *buf; struct pollfd fds[PFD_CNT] = { { .fd = tun, .events = POLLIN }, { .fd = sock, .events = POLLIN }, { .fd = ctl, .events = POLLIN }, }; exit_flag = 0; tun_addr = tun_ip; log_enabled = log_errors; buf = (char *) malloc(tun_mtu); if( !buf ) { log_error("Failed to allocate %d byte buffer\n", tun_mtu); exit(1); } fcntl(tun, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); while( !exit_flag ) { int nfds = poll(fds, PFD_CNT, -1), activity; if( nfds < 0 ) { if( errno == EINTR ) continue; log_error("Poll failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if( fds[PFD_CTL].revents & POLLIN ) process_cmd(ctl); if( fds[PFD_TUN].revents & POLLIN || fds[PFD_SOCK].revents & POLLIN ) do { activity = 0; activity += tun_to_udp(tun, sock, buf, tun_mtu); activity += udp_to_tun(sock, tun, buf, tun_mtu); /* As long as tun or udp is readable bypass poll(). * We'll just occasionally get EAGAIN on an unreadable fd which * is cheaper than the poll() call, the rest of the time the * read/recvfrom call moves data which poll() never does for us. * * This is at the expense of the ctl socket, a counter could be * used to place an upper bound on how long we may neglect ctl. */ } while( activity ); } free(buf); }