#!/bin/bash -eu # # $1 = version string (e.g. 0.8.0) VERSION="${1:?version must be set}" if [ "${VERSION:0:1}" == "v" ]; then echo "version tag shouldn't start with v" >> /dev/stderr exit 255 fi ORIGIN="${ORIGIN:=upstream}" VERSIONTAG="v${VERSION}" TAGBR="v${VERSION}-tag" replace_version() { sed -i -e "s/const Version.*/const Version = \"$1\"/" ../version.go git commit -m "version: bump to v$1" ../version.go } # make sure we're up to date git pull --ff-only ${ORIGIN} master # tag it replace_version ${VERSION} git tag -a -m "${VERSIONTAG}" "${VERSIONTAG}" # bump ver to +git and push to origin replace_version "${VERSION}+git" git push "${ORIGIN}" master # push the tag git push "${ORIGIN}" "${VERSIONTAG}" echo echo "============================================================" echo "Tagged $VERSIONTAG in $ORIGIN" echo "Now run \"build-release.sh $VERSION\"" echo