# GCE Backend for Flannel
From the Developers Console, we start by creating a new network.
Configure the network name and address range. Then add firewall rules to allow etcd traffic (tcp/2379), SSH, and ICMP.
That's it for the network configuration.
Now it’s time to create an instance.
Let's call it `demo-instance-1`.
Under the "Management, disk, networking, access & security options" make the following changes:
- Select the "Network" to be our newly created network
- Enable IP forwarding
- Under "Access and Security" set the compute permissions to "Read Write" and remember to add your SSH key
Booting a new GCE instance
Security settings for a new instance
With the permissions set, we can launch the instance!
The only remaining steps now are to start etcd, publish the network configuration and lastly, run the flannel daemon.
SSH into `demo-instance-1` and execute the following steps:
- Start etcd:
$ etcd2 -advertise-client-urls http://$INTERNAL_IP:2379 -listen-client-urls
- Publish configuration in etcd (ensure that the network range does not overlap with the one configured for the GCE network)
$ etcdctl set /coreos.com/network/config '{"Network":"", "Backend": {"Type": "gce"}}'
- Fetch the 0.5 release using wget from [here](https://github.com/coreos/flannel/releases/download/v0.5.0/flannel-0.5.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz)
- Run flannel daemon:
$ sudo ./flanneld --etcd-endpoints=
Now make a clone of `demo-instance-1` and SSH into it to run the these steps:
- Fetch the 0.5 release as before.
- Run flannel with the `--etcd-endpoints` flag set to the *internal* IP of the instance running etcd
Check that the subnet lease acquired by each of the hosts has been added!
GCE Routes
It’s important to note that GCE currently [limits](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/resource-quotas) the number of routes per *project* to 100.