The extension
backend provides an easy way for prototyping new backend types for flannel.
It is not recommended for production use, for example it doesn't have a built in retry mechanism.
This backend has the following configuration
(string): extension
(string): Command to run before allocating a network to this host
(string): Command to run after allocating a network to this host
(string): Command to run when a subnet is added
is passed in.SubnetRemoveCommand
(string): Command to run when a subnet is removed
is passed in.
All commands are run through the sh
shell and are run with the same permissions as the flannel daemon.
To replicate the functionality of the host-gw plugin, there's no need for a startup command.
The backend just needs to manage the route to subnets when they are added or removed.
An example
"Network": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "extension",
"SubnetAddCommand": "ip route add $SUBNET via $PUBLIC_IP",
"SubnetRemoveCommand": "ip route del $SUBNET via $PUBLIC_IP"
VXLAN is more complex. It needs to store the MAC address of the vxlan device when it's created and to make it available to the flannel daemon running on other hosts. The address of the vxlan device also needs to be set after the subnet has been allocated.
An example
"Network": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "extension",
"PreStartupCommand": "export VNI=1; export IF_NAME=flannel-vxlan; ip link del $IF_NAME 2>/dev/null; ip link add $IF_NAME type vxlan id $VNI dstport 8472 && cat /sys/class/net/$IF_NAME/address",
"PostStartupCommand": "export IF_NAME=flannel-vxlan; export SUBNET_IP=`echo $SUBNET | cut -d'/' -f 1`; ip addr add $SUBNET_IP/32 dev $IF_NAME && ip link set $IF_NAME up",
"SubnetAddCommand": "export SUBNET_IP=`echo $SUBNET | cut -d'/' -f 1`; export IF_NAME=flannel-vxlan; read VTEP; ip route add $SUBNET nexthop via $SUBNET_IP dev $IF_NAME onlink && arp -s $SUBNET_IP $VTEP dev $IF_NAME && bridge fdb add $VTEP dev $IF_NAME self dst $PUBLIC_IP"