6.7 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ARCH="${ARCH:-amd64}"
  3. ETCD_IMG="${}"
  4. # etcd might take a bit to come up - use a known etcd version so we know we have etcdctl available
  8. TAG=`git describe --tags --dirty`
  10. # Set the proper imagename according to architecture
  11. if [[ ${ARCH} == "ppc64le" ]]; then
  12. ETCD_IMG+="-ppc64le"
  13. ETCDCTL_IMG+="-ppc64le"
  14. elif [[ ${ARCH} == "arm64" ]]; then
  15. ETCD_IMG+="-arm64"
  16. ETCDCTL_IMG+="-arm64"
  17. fi
  18. setup_suite() {
  19. # Run etcd, killing any existing one that was running
  20. docker_ip=$(ip -o -f inet addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
  21. etcd_endpt="http://$docker_ip:2379"
  22. # Start etcd
  23. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-etcd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  24. docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-etcd -d -p 2379:2379 $ETCD_IMG $ETCD_LOCATION --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls $etcd_endpt >/dev/null
  25. }
  26. teardown_suite() {
  27. # Teardown the etcd server
  28. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-etcd >/dev/null
  29. }
  30. setup() {
  31. # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
  32. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  33. assert "docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 -d --privileged $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10 >/dev/null"
  34. # rm any old flannel container that maybe running, ignore error as it might not exist
  35. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  36. assert "docker run --name=flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 -d --privileged $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt -v 10 >/dev/null"
  37. }
  38. teardown() {
  39. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  40. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  41. }
  42. write_config_etcd() {
  43. local backend=$1
  44. if [ -e "$backend" ]; then
  45. echo "Reading custom conf from $backend"
  46. flannel_conf=`cat "$backend"`
  47. else
  48. flannel_conf="{ \"Network\": \"$FLANNEL_NET\", \"Backend\": { \"Type\": \"${backend}\" } }"
  49. fi
  50. while ! docker run --rm $ETCDCTL_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set / "$flannel_conf" >/dev/null
  51. do
  52. sleep 0.1
  53. done
  54. }
  55. create_ping_dest() {
  56. # add a dummy interface with $FLANNEL_SUBNET so we have a known working IP to ping
  57. for host_num in 1 2; do
  58. while ! docker exec flannel-e2e-test-flannel$host_num ls /run/flannel/subnet.env >/dev/null 2>&1; do
  59. sleep 0.1
  60. done
  61. # Use declare to allow the host_num variable to be part of the ping_dest variable name. -g is needed to make it global
  62. declare -g ping_dest$host_num=$(docker "exec" --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel$host_num /bin/sh -c '\
  63. source /run/flannel/subnet.env && \
  64. ip link add name dummy0 type dummy && \
  65. ip addr add $FLANNEL_SUBNET dev dummy0 && ip link set dummy0 up && \
  66. echo $FLANNEL_SUBNET | cut -f 1 -d "/" ')
  67. done
  68. }
  69. test_vxlan_ping() {
  70. write_config_etcd vxlan
  71. create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
  72. pings
  73. }
  74. test_udp_ping() {
  75. write_config_etcd udp
  76. create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
  77. pings
  78. }
  79. test_host-gw_ping() {
  80. write_config_etcd host-gw
  81. create_ping_dest # creates ping_dest1 and ping_dest2 variables
  82. pings
  83. }
  84. pings() {
  85. # ping in both directions
  86. assert "docker exec --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 /bin/ping -c 3 $ping_dest2" "Host 1 cannot ping host 2"
  87. assert "docker exec --privileged flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 /bin/ping -c 3 $ping_dest1" "Host 2 cannot ping host 1"
  88. }
  89. # These perf tests don't actually assert on anything
  90. test_host-gw-perf() {
  91. write_config_etcd host-gw
  92. create_ping_dest
  93. perf
  94. }
  95. test_vxlan_perf() {
  96. write_config_etcd vxlan
  97. create_ping_dest
  98. perf
  99. }
  100. test_udp_perf() {
  101. write_config_etcd udp
  102. create_ping_dest
  103. perf
  104. }
  105. perf() {
  106. # Perf test - run iperf server on flannel1 and client on flannel2
  107. docker rm -f flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf 2>/dev/null
  108. docker run -d --name flannel-e2e-test-flannel1-iperf --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel1 iperf3:latest
  109. docker run --rm --net=container:flannel-e2e-test-flannel2 iperf3:latest -c $ping_dest1
  110. }
  111. test_multi() {
  112. flannel_conf_vxlan='{"Network": "", "Backend": {"Type": "vxlan"}}'
  113. flannel_conf_host_gw='{"Network": "", "Backend": {"Type": "host-gw"}}'
  114. while ! docker run --rm $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /vxlan/network/config "$flannel_conf_vxlan" >/dev/null
  115. do
  116. sleep 0.1
  117. done
  118. while ! docker run --rm $ETCD_IMG etcdctl --endpoints=$etcd_endpt set /hostgw/network/config "$flannel_conf_host_gw" >/dev/null
  119. do
  120. sleep 0.1
  121. done
  122. for host in 1 2; do
  123. # rm any old flannel container, ignore error as it might not exist
  124. docker rm -f flannel-host$host 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
  125. # Start the hosts
  126. docker run --name=flannel-host$host -id --privileged --entrypoint /bin/sh $FLANNEL_DOCKER_IMAGE >/dev/null
  127. # Start two flanneld instances
  128. docker exec -d flannel-host$host sh -c "/opt/bin/flanneld -v 10 -subnet-file /vxlan.env -etcd-prefix=/vxlan/network --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt 2>vxlan.log"
  129. docker exec -d flannel-host$host sh -c "/opt/bin/flanneld -v 10 -subnet-file /hostgw.env -etcd-prefix=/hostgw/network --etcd-endpoints=$etcd_endpt 2>hostgw.log"
  130. done
  131. for host in 1 2; do
  132. for backend_type in vxlan hostgw; do
  133. while ! docker exec flannel-host$host ls /$backend_type.env >/dev/null 2>&1; do
  134. sleep 0.1
  135. done
  136. done
  137. done
  138. # add dummy interface on host1 only so we have a known working IP to ping then ping it from host2
  139. vxlan_ping_dest=$(docker exec flannel-host1 /bin/sh -c '\
  140. source /vxlan.env &&
  141. ip link add name dummy_vxlan type dummy && \
  142. ip addr add $FLANNEL_SUBNET dev dummy_vxlan && \
  143. ip link set dummy_vxlan up && \
  144. echo $FLANNEL_SUBNET | cut -f 1 -d "/" ')
  145. hostgw_ping_dest=$(docker exec flannel-host1 /bin/sh -c '\
  146. source /hostgw.env &&
  147. ip link add name dummy_hostgw type dummy && \
  148. ip addr add $FLANNEL_SUBNET dev dummy_hostgw && \
  149. ip link set dummy_hostgw up && \
  150. echo $FLANNEL_SUBNET | cut -f 1 -d "/" ')
  151. # Send some pings from host2. Make sure we can send traffic over vxlan or directly.
  152. # If a particular (wrong) interface is forced then pings should fail
  153. assert "docker exec flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $hostgw_ping_dest"
  154. assert "docker exec flannel-host2 ping -c 3 $vxlan_ping_dest"
  155. assert_fails "docker exec flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I flannel.1 $hostgw_ping_dest"
  156. assert_fails "docker exec flannel-host2 ping -W 1 -c 1 -I eth0 $vxlan_ping_dest"
  157. }