1011 B

Building flannel

The most reliable way to build flannel is by using Docker.

Building in a Docker container

To build flannel in a container run make dist/flanneld-amd64 You will now have a flanneld-amd64 binary in the dist directory.

Building manually

  • Step 1: Make sure you have required dependencies installed on your machine. ** On Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev golang gcc. ** On Fedora/Redhat, run sudo yum install kernel-headers golang gcc.
  • Step 2: Git clone the flannel repo. It MUST be placed in your GOPATH under cd $GOPATH/src; git clone
  • Step 3: Run the build script, ensuring that CGO_ENABLED=1: cd flannel; CGO_ENABLED=1 make dist/flanneld

Release Process

  • Create a release on Github and use it to create a tag
  • Check the tag out and run
    • make release
  • Attach all the files in dist to the Github release
  • Run make docker-push-all to push all the images to a registry