@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+package plist
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "math"
+ "runtime"
+ "time"
+ "unicode/utf16"
+const (
+ signedHighBits = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+type offset uint64
+type bplistParser struct {
+ buffer []byte
+ reader io.ReadSeeker
+ version int
+ objects []cfValue // object ID to object
+ trailer bplistTrailer
+ trailerOffset uint64
+ containerStack []offset // slice of object offsets; manipulated during container deserialization
+func (p *bplistParser) validateDocumentTrailer() {
+ if p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset >= p.trailerOffset {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("offset table beyond beginning of trailer (0x%x, trailer@0x%x)", p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset, p.trailerOffset))
+ }
+ if p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset < 9 {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("offset table begins inside header (0x%x)", p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset))
+ }
+ if p.trailerOffset > (p.trailer.NumObjects*uint64(p.trailer.OffsetIntSize))+p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset {
+ panic(errors.New("garbage between offset table and trailer"))
+ }
+ if p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset+(uint64(p.trailer.OffsetIntSize)*p.trailer.NumObjects) > p.trailerOffset {
+ panic(errors.New("offset table isn't long enough to address every object"))
+ }
+ maxObjectRef := uint64(1) << (8 * p.trailer.ObjectRefSize)
+ if p.trailer.NumObjects > maxObjectRef {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("more objects (%v) than object ref size (%v bytes) can support", p.trailer.NumObjects, p.trailer.ObjectRefSize))
+ }
+ if p.trailer.OffsetIntSize < uint8(8) && (uint64(1)<<(8*p.trailer.OffsetIntSize)) <= p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset {
+ panic(errors.New("offset size isn't big enough to address entire file"))
+ }
+ if p.trailer.TopObject >= p.trailer.NumObjects {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("top object #%d is out of range (only %d exist)", p.trailer.TopObject, p.trailer.NumObjects))
+ }
+func (p *bplistParser) parseDocument() (pval cfValue, parseError error) {
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ if _, ok := r.(runtime.Error); ok {
+ panic(r)
+ }
+ parseError = plistParseError{"binary", r.(error)}
+ }
+ }()
+ p.buffer, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(p.reader)
+ l := len(p.buffer)
+ if l < 40 {
+ panic(errors.New("not enough data"))
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(p.buffer[0:6], []byte{'b', 'p', 'l', 'i', 's', 't'}) {
+ panic(errors.New("incomprehensible magic"))
+ }
+ p.version = int(((p.buffer[6] - '0') * 10) + (p.buffer[7] - '0'))
+ if p.version > 1 {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected version %d", p.version))
+ }
+ p.trailerOffset = uint64(l - 32)
+ p.trailer = bplistTrailer{
+ SortVersion: p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+5],
+ OffsetIntSize: p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+6],
+ ObjectRefSize: p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+7],
+ NumObjects: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+8:]),
+ TopObject: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+16:]),
+ OffsetTableOffset: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[p.trailerOffset+24:]),
+ }
+ p.validateDocumentTrailer()
+ // - Entire offset table is before trailer
+ // - Offset table begins after header
+ // - Offset table can address entire document
+ // - Object IDs are big enough to support the number of objects in this plist
+ // - Top object is in range
+ p.objects = make([]cfValue, p.trailer.NumObjects)
+ pval = p.objectAtIndex(p.trailer.TopObject)
+ return
+// parseSizedInteger returns a 128-bit integer as low64, high64
+func (p *bplistParser) parseSizedInteger(off offset, nbytes int) (lo uint64, hi uint64, newOffset offset) {
+ // Per comments in CoreFoundation, format version 00 requires that all
+ // 1, 2 or 4-byte integers be interpreted as unsigned. 8-byte integers are
+ // signed (always?) and therefore must be sign extended here.
+ // negative 1, 2, or 4-byte integers are always emitted as 64-bit.
+ switch nbytes {
+ case 1:
+ lo, hi = uint64(p.buffer[off]), 0
+ case 2:
+ lo, hi = uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(p.buffer[off:])), 0
+ case 4:
+ lo, hi = uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p.buffer[off:])), 0
+ case 8:
+ lo = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[off:])
+ if p.buffer[off]&0x80 != 0 {
+ // sign extend if lo is signed
+ hi = signedHighBits
+ }
+ case 16:
+ lo, hi = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[off+8:]), binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[off:])
+ default:
+ panic(errors.New("illegal integer size"))
+ }
+ newOffset = off + offset(nbytes)
+ return
+func (p *bplistParser) parseObjectRefAtOffset(off offset) (uint64, offset) {
+ oid, _, next := p.parseSizedInteger(off, int(p.trailer.ObjectRefSize))
+ return oid, next
+func (p *bplistParser) parseOffsetAtOffset(off offset) (offset, offset) {
+ parsedOffset, _, next := p.parseSizedInteger(off, int(p.trailer.OffsetIntSize))
+ return offset(parsedOffset), next
+func (p *bplistParser) objectAtIndex(index uint64) cfValue {
+ if index >= p.trailer.NumObjects {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid object#%d (max %d)", index, p.trailer.NumObjects))
+ }
+ if pval := p.objects[index]; pval != nil {
+ return pval
+ }
+ off, _ := p.parseOffsetAtOffset(offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset + (index * uint64(p.trailer.OffsetIntSize))))
+ if off > offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset-1) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("object#%d starts beyond beginning of object table (0x%x, table@0x%x)", index, off, p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset))
+ }
+ pval := p.parseTagAtOffset(off)
+ p.objects[index] = pval
+ return pval
+func (p *bplistParser) pushNestedObject(off offset) {
+ for _, v := range p.containerStack {
+ if v == off {
+ p.panicNestedObject(off)
+ }
+ }
+ p.containerStack = append(p.containerStack, off)
+func (p *bplistParser) panicNestedObject(off offset) {
+ ids := ""
+ for _, v := range p.containerStack {
+ ids += fmt.Sprintf("0x%x > ", v)
+ }
+ // %s0x%d: ids above ends with " > "
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("self-referential collection@0x%x (%s0x%x) cannot be deserialized", off, ids, off))
+func (p *bplistParser) popNestedObject() {
+ p.containerStack = p.containerStack[:len(p.containerStack)-1]
+func (p *bplistParser) parseTagAtOffset(off offset) cfValue {
+ tag := p.buffer[off]
+ switch tag & 0xF0 {
+ case bpTagNull:
+ switch tag & 0x0F {
+ case bpTagBoolTrue, bpTagBoolFalse:
+ return cfBoolean(tag == bpTagBoolTrue)
+ }
+ case bpTagInteger:
+ lo, hi, _ := p.parseIntegerAtOffset(off)
+ return &cfNumber{
+ signed: hi == signedHighBits, // a signed integer is stored as a 128-bit integer with the top 64 bits set
+ value: lo,
+ }
+ case bpTagReal:
+ nbytes := 1 << (tag & 0x0F)
+ switch nbytes {
+ case 4:
+ bits := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p.buffer[off+1:])
+ return &cfReal{wide: false, value: float64(math.Float32frombits(bits))}
+ case 8:
+ bits := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[off+1:])
+ return &cfReal{wide: true, value: math.Float64frombits(bits)}
+ }
+ panic(errors.New("illegal float size"))
+ case bpTagDate:
+ bits := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(p.buffer[off+1:])
+ val := math.Float64frombits(bits)
+ // Apple Epoch is 20110101000000Z
+ // Adjust for UNIX Time
+ val += 978307200
+ sec, fsec := math.Modf(val)
+ time := time.Unix(int64(sec), int64(fsec*float64(time.Second))).In(time.UTC)
+ return cfDate(time)
+ case bpTagData:
+ data := p.parseDataAtOffset(off)
+ return cfData(data)
+ case bpTagASCIIString:
+ str := p.parseASCIIStringAtOffset(off)
+ return cfString(str)
+ case bpTagUTF16String:
+ str := p.parseUTF16StringAtOffset(off)
+ return cfString(str)
+ case bpTagUID: // Somehow different than int: low half is nbytes - 1 instead of log2(nbytes)
+ lo, _, _ := p.parseSizedInteger(off+1, int(tag&0xF)+1)
+ return cfUID(lo)
+ case bpTagDictionary:
+ return p.parseDictionaryAtOffset(off)
+ case bpTagArray:
+ return p.parseArrayAtOffset(off)
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected atom 0x%2.02x at offset 0x%x", tag, off))
+func (p *bplistParser) parseIntegerAtOffset(off offset) (uint64, uint64, offset) {
+ tag := p.buffer[off]
+ return p.parseSizedInteger(off+1, 1<<(tag&0xF))
+func (p *bplistParser) countForTagAtOffset(off offset) (uint64, offset) {
+ tag := p.buffer[off]
+ cnt := uint64(tag & 0x0F)
+ if cnt == 0xF {
+ cnt, _, off = p.parseIntegerAtOffset(off + 1)
+ return cnt, off
+ }
+ return cnt, off + 1
+func (p *bplistParser) parseDataAtOffset(off offset) []byte {
+ len, start := p.countForTagAtOffset(off)
+ if start+offset(len) > offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("data@0x%x too long (%v bytes, max is %v)", off, len, p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset-uint64(start)))
+ }
+ return p.buffer[start : start+offset(len)]
+func (p *bplistParser) parseASCIIStringAtOffset(off offset) string {
+ len, start := p.countForTagAtOffset(off)
+ if start+offset(len) > offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("ascii string@0x%x too long (%v bytes, max is %v)", off, len, p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset-uint64(start)))
+ }
+ return zeroCopy8BitString(p.buffer, int(start), int(len))
+func (p *bplistParser) parseUTF16StringAtOffset(off offset) string {
+ len, start := p.countForTagAtOffset(off)
+ bytes := len * 2
+ if start+offset(bytes) > offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("utf16 string@0x%x too long (%v bytes, max is %v)", off, bytes, p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset-uint64(start)))
+ }
+ u16s := make([]uint16, len)
+ for i := offset(0); i < offset(len); i++ {
+ u16s[i] = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(p.buffer[start+(i*2):])
+ }
+ runes := utf16.Decode(u16s)
+ return string(runes)
+func (p *bplistParser) parseObjectListAtOffset(off offset, count uint64) []cfValue {
+ if off+offset(count*uint64(p.trailer.ObjectRefSize)) > offset(p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset) {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("list@0x%x length (%v) puts its end beyond the offset table at 0x%x", off, count, p.trailer.OffsetTableOffset))
+ }
+ objects := make([]cfValue, count)
+ next := off
+ var oid uint64
+ for i := uint64(0); i < count; i++ {
+ oid, next = p.parseObjectRefAtOffset(next)
+ objects[i] = p.objectAtIndex(oid)
+ }
+ return objects
+func (p *bplistParser) parseDictionaryAtOffset(off offset) *cfDictionary {
+ p.pushNestedObject(off)
+ defer p.popNestedObject()
+ // a dictionary is an object list of [key key key val val val]
+ cnt, start := p.countForTagAtOffset(off)
+ objects := p.parseObjectListAtOffset(start, cnt*2)
+ keys := make([]string, cnt)
+ for i := uint64(0); i < cnt; i++ {
+ if str, ok := objects[i].(cfString); ok {
+ keys[i] = string(str)
+ } else {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("dictionary@0x%x contains non-string key at index %d", off, i))
+ }
+ }
+ return &cfDictionary{
+ keys: keys,
+ values: objects[cnt:],
+ }
+func (p *bplistParser) parseArrayAtOffset(off offset) *cfArray {
+ p.pushNestedObject(off)
+ defer p.popNestedObject()
+ // an array is just an object list
+ cnt, start := p.countForTagAtOffset(off)
+ return &cfArray{p.parseObjectListAtOffset(start, cnt)}
+func newBplistParser(r io.ReadSeeker) *bplistParser {
+ return &bplistParser{reader: r}