package premailer import ( "fmt" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" ) // Premailer is the inteface of Premailer type Premailer interface { // Transform process and inlining css // It start to collect the rules in the document style tags // Calculate specificity and sort the rules based on that // It then collects the affected elements // And applies the rules on those // The leftover rules will put back into a style element Transform() (string, error) } var unmergableSelector = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)\\:{1,2}(visited|active|hover|focus|link|root|in-range|invalid|valid|after|before|selection|target|first\\-(line|letter))|^\\@") var notSupportedSelector = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)\\:(checked|disabled|enabled|lang)") type premailer struct { doc *goquery.Document elIdAttr string elements map[string]*elementRules rules []*styleRule leftover []*css.CSSRule allRules [][]*css.CSSRule elementId int processed bool options *Options } // NewPremailer return a new instance of Premailer // It take a Document as argument and it shouldn't be nil func NewPremailer(doc *goquery.Document, options *Options) Premailer { pr := premailer{} pr.doc = doc pr.rules = make([]*styleRule, 0) pr.allRules = make([][]*css.CSSRule, 0) pr.leftover = make([]*css.CSSRule, 0) pr.elements = make(map[string]*elementRules) pr.elIdAttr = "pr-el-id" if options == nil { options = NewOptions() } pr.options = options return &pr } func (pr *premailer) sortRules() { ruleIndex := 0 for ruleSetIndex, rules := range pr.allRules { if rules == nil { continue } for _, rule := range rules { if rule.Type != css.STYLE_RULE { pr.leftover = append(pr.leftover, rule) continue } normalStyles := make([]*css.CSSStyleDeclaration, 0) importantStyles := make([]*css.CSSStyleDeclaration, 0) for _, s := range rule.Style.Styles { if s.Important { importantStyles = append(importantStyles, s) } else { normalStyles = append(normalStyles, s) } } selectors := strings.Split(rule.Style.Selector.Text(), ",") for _, selector := range selectors { if unmergableSelector.MatchString(selector) || notSupportedSelector.MatchString(selector) { // cause longer css pr.leftover = append(pr.leftover, copyRule(selector, rule)) continue } if strings.Contains(selector, "*") { // keep this? pr.leftover = append(pr.leftover, copyRule(selector, rule)) continue } if len(normalStyles) > 0 { pr.rules = append(pr.rules, &styleRule{makeSpecificity(0, ruleSetIndex, ruleIndex, selector), selector, normalStyles}) ruleIndex += 1 } if len(importantStyles) > 0 { pr.rules = append(pr.rules, &styleRule{makeSpecificity(1, ruleSetIndex, ruleIndex, selector), selector, importantStyles}) ruleIndex += 1 } } } } sort.Sort(bySpecificity(pr.rules)) } func (pr *premailer) collectRules() { var wg sync.WaitGroup pr.doc.Find("style:not([data-premailer='ignore'])").Each(func(_ int, s *goquery.Selection) { if media, exist := s.Attr("media"); exist && media != "all" { return } wg.Add(1) pr.allRules = append(pr.allRules, nil) go func(ruleSetIndex int) { defer wg.Done() ss := css.Parse(s.Text()) pr.allRules[ruleSetIndex] = ss.GetCSSRuleList() s.ReplaceWithHtml("") }(len(pr.allRules) - 1) }) wg.Wait() } func (pr *premailer) collectElements() { for _, rule := range pr.rules { pr.doc.Find(rule.selector).Each(func(_ int, s *goquery.Selection) { if id, exist := s.Attr(pr.elIdAttr); exist { pr.elements[id].rules = append(pr.elements[id].rules, rule) } else { id := strconv.Itoa(pr.elementId) s.SetAttr(pr.elIdAttr, id) rules := make([]*styleRule, 0) rules = append(rules, rule) pr.elements[id] = &elementRules{ element: s, rules: rules, cssToAttributes: pr.options.CssToAttributes, keepBangImportant: pr.options.KeepBangImportant, } pr.elementId += 1 } }) } } func (pr *premailer) applyInline() { for _, element := range pr.elements { element.inline() element.element.RemoveAttr(pr.elIdAttr) if pr.options.RemoveClasses { element.element.RemoveAttr("class") } } } func (pr *premailer) addLeftover() { if len(pr.leftover) > 0 { headNode := pr.doc.Find("head") styleNode := &html.Node{} styleNode.Type = html.ElementNode styleNode.Data = "style" styleNode.Attr = []html.Attribute{{Key: "type", Val: "text/css"}} cssNode := &html.Node{} cssData := make([]string, 0, len(pr.leftover)) for _, rule := range pr.leftover { if rule.Type == css.MEDIA_RULE { mcssData := make([]string, 0, len(rule.Rules)) for _, mrule := range rule.Rules { mcssData = append(mcssData, makeRuleImportant(mrule)) } cssData = append(cssData, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s{\n%s\n}\n", rule.Type.Text(), rule.Style.Selector.Text(), strings.Join(mcssData, "\n"))) } else { cssData = append(cssData, makeRuleImportant(rule)) } } cssNode.Data = strings.Join(cssData, "") cssNode.Type = html.TextNode styleNode.AppendChild(cssNode) headNode.AppendNodes(styleNode) } } // Transform process and inlining css // It start to collect the rules in the document style tags // Calculate specificity and sort the rules based on that // It then collects the affected elements // And applies the rules on those // The leftover rules will put back into a style element func (pr *premailer) Transform() (string, error) { if !pr.processed { pr.collectRules() pr.sortRules() pr.collectElements() pr.applyInline() pr.addLeftover() pr.processed = true } return pr.doc.Html() }